Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Let’s go shopping! Reading: Shopping for clothes a) Read the dialogues and match them with the pictures. Then act them out with a partner. 1. C: Hi there. S: Hi. How can I help you? C: I’m looking for a grey pullover in size small. S: Sorry, we only we have this medium one. C: Oh, no problem. 2. S: Good afternoon. What can I do for you? C: I need a pair of sneakers. S: What size? C: 9. … I’d like some black and white ones. S: Hmmm. I’m sorry, but I haven’t got them in both colours. 3. S: Hello, how can I help? C: I’d like a pair of blue jeans. S: Okay, what about these? C: They’re really nice. … How much are they? S: They’re $45,–. 4. C: Hi, I’m looking for a shirt. Can you help me? S: Yes, sure. What colour do you want? C: The white one, please. It’s for school. S: What about this one? It’s $15,–. C: Great. I’ll take it. … Thank you. b) Read the sentences below and fill in the gaps with one or ones . 1. Can you help me? I’m looking for a new pair of shoes… these ones look nice. 2. How much is that black and white dress over there? The with the stripes. 3. I like those socks at the back of the shop; the with elephants on them. 4. Jill, “Look at this skirt.” Jenna, “No, I don’t like it. I like this here.” c) With a partner write your own shopping dialogue. Give it a title and act it out. n3zb7d Info Shop assistant (S): helps you to find the right thing you’re looking for Customer (C): looks for something and wants to buy something in the shop i A B C D 2 Grammar See 1 G 8 How to replace nouns: one (singular) – ones (plural) Jane: I want to have a skirt . Mum: What about this one here? Jo: I’d like some new sneakers? Dad: Well, the black ones look nice. G 40 5 Unit It’s all about fashion forty Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv