Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Life is dangerous p. 71 Vocabulary Dangers at home • Dangers on the way to school • Camping Grammar Past tense progressive and simple • Using verbs as nouns: …-ing Listening A camping trip gone wrong Speaking What the police officers say • Dialogues: Safety first • Staying safe Reading A camping trip gone wrong Writing A message from Bison Creek Video Mending things around the house Moody Rudy p. 79 Vocabulary Moods and feelings • Asking how sb. is feeling • Asking for help Grammar Present perfect tense for present result Listening Why is Rudy in a bad mood? Speaking Class interview: Why are you sad? Reading E-mails to Agony Aunt Agatha • A daredevil’s story Writing After the accident • Your apology note Pronunciation Listening for different vowel sounds Song/Rap Moody Rudy Blues Crime p. 87 Vocabulary Crimes and wrong behaviour • Online safety Grammar Mixed tenses (present, past, present perfect), regular and irregular forms Listening Store detectives • Jason’s bedroom is a mess Speaking Acting out a dialogue • Do you think the children witnessed a shoplifting? Reading Online safety Writing What are they doing? • What were they doing? • Questions for asking what exactly they saw • What have they done? • Unpleasant surprises Song/Rap Very good times (… for very bad crimes) Lost …and found – a play p. 95 Vocabulary Characters in a play Grammar Talking about the past: past simple • Phrasal verbs Listening Scenes 1–8 Speaking Acting in a play Reading Lost … and found – a play Pronunciation [ 0 ] as in “trunk” Sports p. 103 Vocabulary Different kinds of sports • What sports are like • Sports equipment Grammar Present perfect tense for experience (Have you ever …?) • can – be able to • comparing sports Listening Sports are fun: Children talking about sports • Kira’s brave fight Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 4  Contents four Nur zu Prüfzw cken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv