Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Food … can be … creamy smooth fatty tender tough smelly stinky fragrant strong sweet sour bitter hot spicy tasty yummy horrible disgusting b) Match the pictures below with at least one of the adjectives from task 7a. Write the words. 1 2 3 4 fatty/tasty/ disgusting c) Read the grammar box. Then complete the sentences with the correct form of an adjective. 1. A chili is spicier than a tomato. 2. Apples are than lemons. 3. A double hamburger is than a slice of pizza. d) Partner talk: use the adjectives from 7a and compare the food from 7b or food you know. e) Now write four sentences in your exercise book. Start like this … I love vegetables, but I don’t like onions. They’re smelly. They’re smellier than potatoes. …. Grammar See 1 G 7 How to compare things: comparison of adjectives strong – strong er – the strong est spicy – spici er – the spic iest hot – hot ter – the hot test disgusting – more disgusting – the most disgusting Tomatoes are sweeter than cucumbers. An apple is harder than an orange. G Focus on form: Food and what it’s like a) Complete the grid below and match the correct headings. There are two words you don’t need. 7 Drinks Sweets Tastes Smells Textures Food 37 4 thirty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv