Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Food and what it’s like Song: Never say ugh a) Listen to the song. r4e2ww 6 1.18 Hi everybody, I’m Big Matt I like eating, it’s good for me It’s my favourite activity But let me tell you, eating is not always easy Listen: When you’re in a foreign country Eat its food Never say ugh because that’s very rude France eats snails and frogs China snakes and dogs Australians crocodiles and kangaroos too They say we eat better than you So: When you’re in a foreign country … Austrians love their Leberkäs’ Semmel And some Arabs eat a camel Italians eat rice and Asians do too They say we eat better than you Yes, they do When you’re in a foreign country … Japan eats sushi Greece does not Indians curry spicy and hot The English eat junk food, Americans too They say we eat better than you Yes, they do When you’re in a foreign country … So please use your head Don’t say ugh , say yummy instead Say: Yes, I’d like some more baked snake Smelly onion dips Tasty camel and chips A fatty dog and frog soup Never forget: When you’re in a foreign country … b) What is this song about? Read it again and tick the correct answer. The song tells people that … food in other countries can be very different and that you should never try it. Americans and British people eat a lot of junk food and that it’s not very healthy. other countries have different types of food and you should try them. c) What do you think about trying out food from other countries? Use the questions and answers from the useful phrases to have a conversation with your partner. Useful phrases Answers • Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. • My favourite food is …. • Yes, I have. It was …. • No, I haven’t, but I want to. P Useful phrases Questions • Do you like food from other countries? • What’s your favourite food? • Have you ever tried Chinese/Italian/…? • What was the best food/thing you’ve ever eaten? P 36 4 Unit The world around us thirty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv