Prime Time 2, Coursebook

d) Read the text in task 5a again and circle the correct answers below. 1. Kanye thinks that food is … a) more expensive in London. b) cheaper in London. c) more expensive in Mali. 2. In the UK, many children get biscuits and crisps for … a) breakfast b) lunch. c) dinner. 3. Kanye’s mum says that sweets are … a) healthier than vegetables. b) a s healthy as vegetables. c) not as healthy as vegetables. 4. Kanye has already tried some new food like … a) carrots. b) Brussels sprouts. c) cucumbers. 5. In Mali, people eat … in the UK. a) less meat than … b) more meat than … c) the same meat as … Writing: A personal account a) Go back to Kanye’s text in task 4a. Read the text again and tick the statements that are true for Kanye. 1. Kanye is the writer of this text.  2. The text has something to do with Kanye’s life. 3. Kanye wrote this text for his best friend Jason. 4. In his text, Kanye tells the readers how he’s feeling. 5. Kanye’s text is about things he likes or/and doesn’t like. 6. In his text, he doesn’t talk about his family. b) Write your own personal account of about 70 to 80 words. You can pick one of the topics below. Tip: use the useful phrases from the box. 5 Me and my best friend My life in a new town/new country Travelling to another country Things I like doing very much Info Personal account: A personal account is a text that gives lots of information about something very personal in a human’s life; for example, hobbies, likes and dislikes, family or food. i Useful phrases • First, I want to say that … • One thing I really like is … • My favourite thing to do is … • The reason why I like it so much is because … • I think it very nice to try new things because … • Another important thing is that … P 35 4 thirty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv