Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Countries, nationalities and their food a) Do some online research and match the countries with their flags. Draw the flag of your home country. b) Use the words below and write the nationalities in the grid. Important: there are three words that you don’t need! 3 Useful phrases • What nationality are you? • Where are you from? • What’s your favourite dish? • What languages do you speak? P Spanish Croatian British Italian Greek Indian Russian Chinese Country Flag Nationality/Language Typical dish 1. India 2. China 3. Spain 4. Greece Chinese 5. Italy 6. My country Your country’s flag c) Go online and find a typical dish for each of the countries above. Then write them in the grid. d) What about your country? Find a typical dish or type of food from your home country? Complete the grid above. 33 4 thirty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv