Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Speaking: Do you know the way to the shop? a) Unscramble the words and write them in the space on the right. 1. o g a t i h s g r t h e d a a 2. u r t n i g h t r 3. a k t e h e t r s i f t n o e h t g i h r t 4. u r t n f e l t 5. a l w k a p t s 6. k a e t h t e n d c s e o n o e t h f t e l b) The next day Kate needs something else from town. Put the dialogue in the right order. Dad: At the bottom of the road you turn left again and go to the church. Dad: Sure. When you leave the house, you turn left and start walking down the road. Dad: After the church you go straight ahead. The market is about 100 metres away on your right. Dad: That sounds like a good idea. Do you know the way to the market? Dad: Bye! 1 Kate: Dad! Can I make dinner today? I need to get some fresh vegetables. Kate: Thank you! See you in ten minutes, Dad. Kate: No, I don’t. Could you tell me how to go there, please? Kate: Okay. Where do I go after that? Kate: Okay, and where do I go after the church? c) With a partner, make more dialogues like that. Use the flashcards below to get ideas. 7 feed the dog get dog food and a sausage way to the pet shop turn right, walk down the road turn left, go to the cinema after 100 metres, pet shop on the left bake a cake get eggs and milk way to the farmer’s market turn right, walk down the road turn right, go to the school after 200 metres, farmer’s market on the right make a smoothie get some fruit and vegetables way to the farm shop turn left, walk down the road turn right, go to the hospital follow the road, apple farm on the right 29 3 twenty-nine Nur zu Prüfzw cken – Eigentum d s Verlags öbv