Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Village life Video: Finding your way Kate is on holiday. One day, she wants to make breakfast. She asks her dad how to get to the shops. i362b3 6 5 – 6 a) Look at the map and find the following things. Write them in the white boxes. b) What does Kate say? What does Kate’s dad say? Write “Kate” or “Kate’s dad” next to the sentences. 1. Kate’s dad Do you know the way to the shop? 2. Maybe I do need some help. 3. Can you tell me how to get there? 4. Start walking down the road. 5. Be careful when you cross the road. 6. Go straight ahead and the shop is about 100 metres on your right. 7. Did you find the shop okay? c) Watch the video and look at the map to see how Kate gets to the shop. Kate’s house monument pedestrian crossing shop 28 3 Unit My hometown twenty-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv