Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Houses around the world a) Read the texts and match them with the correct pictures. 5 1. In many parts of North- ern Europe people used to build houses from wooden logs. Builders cut the wood by hand so that the logs were just the right size. 2. Not all people build houses. Nomadic people move from place to place and carry their tents with them. They are easy to move and light to carry. 3. In hot places, and where there isn’t much wood, for example in Togo, a country in West Africa, people make mud bricks and build houses with them. 4. You can also build houses from ice and snow. People don’t usually live there all year long, but stay there just for a short time – for example on a trip. 5. Many years ago, people in Japan didn’t use glass in their houses. They used thin paper instead. They also made walls and doors from paper. 6. The stone cottage is the most traditional type of house in Ireland. A large fireplace in the centre of the house is the heating for all the rooms. A. African hut B. Log house C. Igloo in the Arctic region D. Traditional Japanese room E. Tent house F. Stone cottage b) Which adjectives fit to which houses? c) Tell the class: Where would you want to live? Why I’d like to live in a …/ I wouldn’t want to live in … I think living in a … is great because … beautiful comfortable big cheap clean expensive dark large little lovely traditional tiny warm wooden nice modern noisy old small 27 3 twenty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv