Prime Time 2, Coursebook

c) Read the dialogues and complete the phrases. excuse • first • follow • looking • minutes • past • see • take • turn A: Excuse 1 me. Where’s the nearest bank, please? B: It’s about ten 2 from here. First, walk straight on past the school. Don’t cross the street, but 3 the first one on the left. A: That is Danby Drive, right? B: That’s correct. Walk along Danby Drive for about 300 metres. You’ll 4 a book shop on your right. A: I think I know the book shop. Is it “Mona’s children’s books”? B: Yes, I think that’s the name. Walk 5 the book shop and then take the first on your right. Don’t cross the street or you’ll end up at the zoo. A: Okay. B: Then you just have to follow Elysian Fields Road. You can’t miss the bank on your left. A: Thanks very much! B: You’re welcome. A: Excuse me. I’m 6 for the supermarket. B: It’s about a fifteen minute walk. Follow Abbay Drive until you come to the crossroads with Lynn Drive. Turn right there and 7 Lynn Drive for about ten minutes. A: Is there a public pool in Lynn Drive? B: Yes, that’s right. You’ll walk past the public pool, the school and the library. Just walk on and don’t 8 left or right until you have passed the library. A: How will I know it’s the library? B: You can’t miss it. It says “public library” outside in big letters. There are a lot of books in the window. The house is painted in bright green. A: Okay, thanks. B: Turn left after the library and then take the 9 on your left again. The supermarket is just around the corner. I think it’s a “Supersaver”. A: Yes, I think so too. Thank you! d) Where are the two people at the beginning of the dialogues? Complete the starting points. Starting point: Starting point: Speaking: Describing the way a) Look at the map and think about where you want to go. b) Ask your partner the way. Act out dialogues. Start at the zoo. 3 Useful phrases Asking the way Excuse me. • Where’s the nearest … please? • I’m looking for …. • How do I get to …? Giving directions Go along/straight on … until you come to … • Go straight on/ahead at the roundabout. • Take the first/second road/street on your left/right. • Turn left/right into … • You’ll see … • Walk past … • Go on for about … • It’s next to …/in front of you. • It’s opposite … • It’s just around the corner. P 25 3 twenty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv