Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Listening: Roberto and Amahle a) This is Roberto and Amahle. Tick where they are from. Roberto from Buenos Aires Amahle from Johannesburg Country: Peru Ecuador Argentina Mexico Congo South Africa Namibia Morocco b) Listen to part 1 of the school radio interview and check if your answers are right. c) Listen to part 2 and tick the correct answers. Sometimes more than one is correct. Roberto from Buenos Aires Amahle from Johannesburg Getting to school by scooter by bus by bike on foot by scooter by bus by bike on foot Language in school English Spanish French German sign language Portuguese English Spanish French German sign language Portuguese Class size 24 students 26 students 25 students 27 students 24 students 26 students 25 students 27 students Time school starts quarter to eight quarter past eight half past eight quarter to eight quarter past eight half past eight Video: School life a) Before watching: What do you think the video is all about? Tick your answer. 1. Damian’s favourite teacher 2. Damian’s school 3. Damian and his subjects b) Watch the video. Was your guess right? c) Watch the video again and tick T (= true), F (= false), N (= not in the video). T F N 1. In this video Damian describes his school.  2. In his school, Damian can’t work in groups. 3. Damian hasn’t got biology and geography on his timetable. 4. In his lessons, Damian can figure things out on his own. 5. Damian doesn’t like his school. 8 Amahle Roberto 1.9 ni82k5 1.10 tn238t 9 3 – 4 21 2 twenty-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv