Prime Time 2, Coursebook
1 gladiator !*glxdIeItE? Gladiators fought in front of thousands of people. Gladiator (der) prisoner !prIzEnE? The gladiators were mostly prisoners . Gefangener (der), Gefangene (die) to fight against sb. The gladiators had to fight against each other. gegen jmdn. kämpfen arena !E*ri"nE? The fights took place in big arenas called “amphitheatres”. Arena (die) bloody !*bl0di? The fights in those theatres were very bloody . blutig, grausam for entertainment !entE*teInmEnt? The gladiators fought in these arenas for entertainment . zur Unterhaltung weapon !*wepEn? The gladiators all had different weapons . Waffe (die) protection !prE*tekSn? They wore special clothes for protection . Schutz (der) admiration !xdmI*reISn? The best gladiators got money, a crown and great admiration . Bewunderung (die) to be freed !fri"d? Very good gladiators were sometimes freed from slavery. freigelassen werden slavery !*sleIvri? Slavery was not forbidden in ancient Rome. Sklaverei (die) not any longer They didn’t have to fight in the arena any longer . nicht mehr, nicht länger successful !sEk*sesfEl? Some gladiators were very successful . erfolgreich fearless !*fIElEs? They have to be fearless . furchtlos muscular !*m0skjElE? Many of them are very muscular . muskulös calm !*kA"m? You should always stay calm in front of a wild animal. ruhig net !net? Some gladiators threw nets over the animals. Netz (das) sword !sC"d? He had a long sword and a helmet. Schwert (das) trident !*traIdEnt? Sometimes gladiators used a trident to injure each other. Dreizack (der) 2 chariot !*tSxrIEt? People loved watching chariot races. Streitwagen (der) race !reIs? Ancient Romans often had chariot races . Rennen (das) to race against sb. Chariots raced against each other in the Circus Maximus. gegen jmdn. im Rennen antreten 3 galloping !*gxlEpIN? Galloping horses are horses that run as fast as they can. galoppierend chariot driver !*tSxrIEt draIvE? Chariot drivers were strong men that drove the chariot. Wagenlenker (der) cart !kA"t? Chariots are carts pulled by horses. Wagen (der) two-wheeled !tu"*wi"ld? A chariot is a small two-wheeled cart. zweirädrig 188 Vocabulary one hundred and eighty-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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