Prime Time 2, Coursebook
2 to be the odd !Od? one out Find the odd one out . nicht dazugehören straight !streIt? Is her hair straight or curly? gerade, glatt curly !*k3"li? His hair is very curly . lockig 3 tunic !*tju"nIk? A tunic is a piece of clothing that all people wore. Tunika (die) toga !*tEUgE? Men wore a toga over their tunic. Toga (die) linen !*lInEn? The tunic was made of linen or wool. Leinen (das) to put sth. on Do you know how to put on a Roman toga? etw. anziehen to reach to the ankles !*xnklz? Women wore a dress that reached to the ankles . bis zu den Knöcheln reichen to bring sth. up Bring up the toga under your arm. etw. heraufbringen to fix !fiks? sth. Put the toga into the belt and fix it. etw. festmachen sheet !Si"t? Bring a big linen sheet to class. Leintuch (das) citizen !*sItIzn? Do you want to dress like a Roman citizen ? Bürger (der), Bürgerin (die) Roman money (Unit 7) 1 Lord !lC"d? ‘Anno Domini’ means in the year of our Lord . Herr (Gott) bronze !brOnz? The Romans had coins made of bronze . Bronze (die) silver !*sIlvE? Some coins were made of silver . Silber (das) throughout !Tru"*aUt? Throughout the centuries, there were lots of different coins. während, die ganze Zeit lang Roman Empire !*empaIE? The Roman Empire had different kinds of coins. Römisches Reich (das) copper !*kOpE? The first type of coin was made of copper . Kupfer (das) shape !SeIp? The coin’s shape was round. Form (die), Figur (die) square !skweE? The first roman coins were square . quadratisch, viereckig not …but … It wasn’t round, but square. nicht … sondern … Roman times They found coins from Roman times . Römerzeit (die) to weigh !weI? How much did the coins weigh ? wiegen gram !grxm? The coins weighed about 300 grams . Gramm (das) 2 emperor !*emprE? Augustus was a Roman Emperor . Kaiser (der) brass !brA"s? This coin is made of brass . Messing (das) wolf !wUlf? There is a wolf on this coin. Wolf (der) twins !twInz? The coin shows the twins Romulus and Remus. Zwillinge (die) in chronolgical !krOnE*lOdZIkl? order Put the coins in chronological order. in chronologischer Reihenfolge 3 poster !pEUstE? Use your poster and prepare a presentation. Plakat (das), Poster (das) to structure !*str0ktSE? sth. Structure your presentation well. etw. strukturieren, etw. gliedern focused !*fEUkEst? Be focused during your presentation. konzentriert to pronounce !prE*naUns? Do you know how to pronounce this word correctly? aussprechen First of all, … First of all , I want to show you these coins. Zuallererst, … Last but not least … !li"st? Last but not least , I want to thank you all for coming. Zu guter Letzt, … Sports and games in ancient Rome (Unit 13) 187 one hundred and eighty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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