Prime Time 2, Coursebook
Festivals, customs and traditions custom !*k0stEm? What do you know about British customs ? Brauch (der), Sitte (die) 1 celebration !*selE*breISn? Read about celebrations around the world. Feier (die) Carnival !*kA"nIvl? The Carnival in Rio de Janeiro takes place in February. Karneval (der), Fasching (der) parade !pE*reId? It is the biggest parade in the world. Parade (die), Umzug (der) New Year !nju" *jIE? The Chinese New Year is in January or February. Neujahr (das) arrival !E*raIvl? They celebrate the arrival of Christianity in Ireland. Ankunft (die) Christianity !krIstI*xnEti? Christmas is an important celebration in Christianity . Christentum (das) Irish !*aIrIS? Green is the colour of the Irish Catholics. irisch, Ire (der), Irin (die) Catholic !*kxTlIk? The Irish Catholics celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day. Katholik (der), Katholikin (die) to dye !daI? sth. green They dye everything green , even the river. etw. grün färben to be held !held? The festival is held every year. stattfinden, abgehalten werden to attract !E*trxkt? It attracts many tourists. anziehen, anlocken locals !*lEUklz? The festival also attracts many locals . Einheimische just for fun They throw tomatoes at each other just for fun . nur zum Spaß festival !*festIvl? The lantern festival in Thailand is held every year. Festival (das) to show respect !rI*spekt? to sb. People show respect to Buddha. jmdm. Respekt erweisen to launch !lC"ntS? sth. into the air Lanterns are launched into the air . etw. steigen lassen to stand for sth. They stand for a person’s bad luck. für etw. stehen bad luck !bxd *l0k? I had a whole day of bad luck . Pech (das) The annual big summer festival 2 annual !*xnjUEl? Welcome to the annual big summer festival! jährlich because of sth. They can’t use the sports ground because of the weather. wegen etw. to allow !E*laU? sth. The headmaster is allowing them to use the school. etw. erlauben indoors !In*dC"z? They want to hold the festival indoors . drinnen headmaster !hed*mA"stE? They are going to ask the headmaster . Direktor (der) to organise !*C"gEnaIz? sth. Who is organising food and drinks? etw. organisieren live act !*laIv xkt? What is their idea for a live act ? Darbietung (die), Vorstellung (die) magician !mE*dZISn? They are going to have a magician at the festival. Zauberer (der), Zauberin (die) to-do list !tEdu" lIst? Let’s write a plan and a to-do list . Besorgungsliste, Aufgabenliste meeting !*mi"tIN? What do they have to do before the next meeting ? Versammlung (die), Treffen (das) Unit 15 184 Vocabulary one hundred and eighty-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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