Prime Time 2, Coursebook
fact sheet !*fxkt Si"t? Make a fact sheet with at least three facts. Informationsblatt (das) 6 open-air museum !EUpn *eE mju"si"Em? It was a huge open-air museum about the Vikings. Freilichtmuseum (das) reconstructed !ri"kn*str0ktId? They reconstructed a Viking village. rekonstruiert tour !tUE? We started our tour around the Village at 10 o’clock. Führung (die) back then We cooked our lunch like the Vikings did back then . damals adventure !Ed*ventSE? A blog can be a text about your holiday adventures . Abenteuer (das) to comment !*kOment? The readers can comment on the blog. kommentieren Going on an expedition 7 in order !C"dE? to They made trips in order to find something new. um zu including !iN*klu"dIN? sb. Everybody, including us , thinks this. einschließlich jmdm. discoverer !dI*sk0vrE? He was a great discoverer . Entdecker (der), Entdeckerin (die) Iceland !*aIslEnd? He went from Norway to Iceland . Island to exile !*eksaIl? sb. He was exiled for killing some men. jmdn. ins Exil schicken clan !klxn? He sailed over the sea with his clan . Clan (der) Greenland !*gri"nlEnd? They sailed to Greenland . Grönland paradise !*pxrEdaIz? Greenland is cool, it’s paradise . Paradies (das) westwards !*westwEdz? Leif sailed westwards over the sea. westwärts frost-free !frOst*fri"? The winters are nearly frost-free . frostfrei to honour !*OnE? sb. I want to honour my father. jmdn. ehren Newfoundland !*nju"fEndlEnd? Newfoundland is an island in North America. Neufundland 8 prow !praU? The prow was the very front of the ship. Bug (der) sail !seIl? The sail was a large piece of woven wool. Segel (das) shield !Si"ld? They put shields on the side of the boat. (Schutz-)Schild (der) rudder !*r0dE? The rudder was used to direct the boat. Steuerruder (das) oar !C"? They used oars to move forward when there was no wind. Ruder (das) hull !h0l? The hull was the outside of the longboat. Schiffsrumpf (der) side !saId? They started with the sides of the ship. Seite (die) longboat !*lONbEUt? The Vikings’ ships were called longboats . Langboot (das) forward !*fC"wEd? They could move forward with oars. vorwärts a piece !pi"s? of sth. It was a large piece of material. ein Stück von etw. woven !*wEUvn? The sail was made of woven wool. gewebt wool !wUl? They used wool to make the sails. (Tier-)Wolle (die) the very front It was at the very front of the ship. ganz vorne informative !In*fC"mEtIv? Write an informative text about the Vikings. Show what you can do 9 crew !kru"? He had a crew of about 35 men. Besatzung (die) 183 one hundred and eighty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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