Prime Time 2, Coursebook
physical therapy !fIzIkl *TerEpi? I do lots of physical therapy . Physiotherapie (die) muscle !m0sl? My muscles are very weak. Muskel (der) upper body !0pE *bOdi? I want to strengthen my upper body . Oberkörper (der) to train regularly !treIn *regjElEli? She must train regularly. regelmäßig trainieren weak !wi"k? My brother is very weak because he had an accident. schwach move around I want to be able to move around without help. sich (fort-) bewegen sympathy !*sImpETi? She gets help and sympathy from lots of people. Mitgefühl (das) athlete !*xTli"t? Other athletes and friends have written her letters. Sportler (der), Sportlerin (die) boyfriend !*bCIfrend? Her boyfriend has also helped her a lot. fester Freund (der) to support !sE*pC"t? sb. It’s cool that he supports me. jmdn. unterstützen to admire !Ed*maIE? sb. A little girl says that she admires me for my strength. jmdn. bewundern optimism !*OptImIzm? It’s nice that I can help other people with my optimism . Optimismus (der) 6 equipment !I*kwIpmEnt? You need special equipment to do it. Ausrüstung (die), Ausstattung (die) stick !stIk? It’s very fast and you play it with a stick . Schläger (der) puck !p0k? You play with hockey sticks and a puck . Puck (der) skates !skeIts? You need skates to move around. hier: Eislaufschuhe (die) racket !rxkIt? Rackets are used in tennis or badminton. Schläger (der) to protect sth. You need to protect your body. etw. schützen elbow pads !*elbEU pxdz? He wears elbow pads on his elbows. Ellenbogenschützer (die) glove !gl0v? I wear special gloves when I play ice hockey. Handschuh (der) gum shield !*g0m Si"ld? He wears a gum shield to protect his mouth. Mundschutz (der) neck guard !*nek gA"d? He has a neck guard for his neck. Nackenschutz (der) shin pads !*SIn pxdz? I wear shin pads to protect my knees. Schienbeinschoner (die) shoulder pads !*SEUldE pxdz? He needs shoulder pads for his shoulders. Schulterschoner (die) 7 to skate !skeIt? Are you able to skate fast? hier: eislaufen backwards !*bxkwEdz? Can you skate backwards ? rückwärts to do a sharp turn !*SA"p t3"n? Can you do a sharp turn ? eine scharfe Kurve machen (die) to hurt yourself Be careful not to hurt yourself . sich verletzen to score goals !skC" *gEUlz? In hockey, you try to score goals . Tore schießen to twist !twIst? your knee It hurts when you twist your knee . sich das Knie verdrehen Top of the class, top at everything? 8 to be at the top !tOp? of the class He is at the top of the class . Klassenbeste/r sein to be top at sth. He is top at everything to do with computers. beste/r in etw. sein dreamy !*dri"mi? The dreamy boy thinks his fantasies are real. verträumt inbox !*InbOks? Suddenly, there is a message in his inbox . Posteingang (der) geeky !*gi"ki? We are looking for geeky people. uncool, streberisch 180 Vocabulary one hundred and eighty Nur zu Prüfz ecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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