Prime Time 2, Coursebook

My dream school Rap: Dream school rules a) Listen to the rap. Marcel: Hello, it’s me Marcel, do you remember me? I’m the school angel. I want to talk about my dream school and its rules. Jezebel: Hi, I’m Jezebel, you know me, I’m the school devil. Listen to my dream school rules. All: Dream school Marcel: What we should do All: Dream school Jezebel: And shouldn’t do All: Dream school Ma & Je For me and you All: Make your school a dream school too Ma: School should start at half past seven. Je: School shouldn’t start before eleven. Ma: Teachers shouldn’t teach – they should let kids play. Je: And serve food and drinks in the school café. Ma: We should have school for our interests. Je: We should have no homework and no tests. Ma: No one should feel afraid or alone. Je: We should play in class with a smartphone. All: Dream school … Ma: Boys should have time for their friends and stuff. Je: Time for chats, it’s never enough. Ma: Girls should have time for their friends and stuff. Je: Time for football, it’s never enough. Ma: We should eat an apple a day. Je: An apple a day keeps the teacher away. Ma: What’s your favourite dream school rule? Je: Friday should be free day, free of school. Chorus: What we should do …Dream school … b) Look at the pictures from A to C. Then underline the sentences in the rap for each of the pictures. zp8j65 Grammar See 1 G 5 What to do – What not to do: should – shouldn’t Kids should have time for their friends. Children should eat an apple a day. Teachers shouldn’t teach, but play with the children. Parents shouldn’t know what their kids do at school. G 5 A B C Jezebel, the school devil Marcel, the school angel 1.7 1.8 18 2 Unit School life eighteen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv