Prime Time 2, Coursebook
mountain climbing !*maUtIn klaImIN? Last year, I went mountain climbing in Austria. Bergsteigen (das) scuba diving !*sku"bE daIvIN? We went scuba diving last summer. Gerätetauchen (das) ski jumping !*ski" dZ0mpIN? Have you ever tried ski jumping ? Skispringen (das) squash !skwOS? In squash , you have to hit the ball against the wall. Squash (das) synchronized swimming !sINkrEnaIzd swImIN? Synchronized swimming looks quite difficult. Synchronschwimmen (das) table tennis !*teIbl tenIs? Can you play table tennis ? Tischtennis (das) volleyball !*vOlIbC"l? We often play volleyball at school. Volleyball (das) weightlifting !*weItlIftIN? He is the best at weightlifting . Gewichtheben (das) windsurfing !*wInds3"fIN? I want to try windsurfing next year. Windsurfen (das) Sports are fun 2 live !laIv? He watches live football matches. direkt vor Ort 4 kayaking !*kaIjxkIN? I went kayaking on the Danube last year. Kajakfahren (das) paragliding !*pxrEglaIdIN? I’m too scared to go paragliding . Gleitschirmfliegen (das) Olympic event !ElImpIk I*vent? Have you ever been to an Olympic event ? Olympische Veranstaltung (die) sporting event !*spC"tIN Ivent? I’ve never been to a sporting event . Sportverantstaltung (die) roller skating !*rEUlEskeItIN? She only goes roller skating with her friends. Rollschuhfahren (das) cricket !*krIkIt? Cricket is a sport played in Great Britain. Kricket (das) in-line skating !*InlaIn skeItIN? Let’s go in-line skating tomorrow! Inlineskaten (das) bungee jump !*b0ndZi dZ0mp? Have you ever done a bungee jump ? Bungeesprung (der) ski jump !*skI" dZ0mp? I did some small ski jumps last holiday. Skisprung (der) backflip !*bxkflIp? She can do a backflip . Salto rückwärts (der) sailing !*seIlIN? Have you ever been sailing ? Segeln (das) Some sports are dangerous 5 fight !faIt? Read about her brave fight to get better. Kampf (der) to strengthen !streNTn? sth. She needs to strengthen her muscles. kräftigen, stärken competition !kOmpE*tISn? He wants to take part in a sports competition Wettkampf (der) to be able !*eIbl? to do sth. She wants to be able to eat with a knife and a fork. etw. tun können pole vault !*pEUl vC"lt? Pole vault is an Olympic sport. Stabhochsprung (der) record holder !*rekC"d hEUldE? She is the Austrian pole vault record holder . Rekordhalter (der), Rekordhalterin (die) training accident !*treInIN xksIdEnt? She had a training accident and broke her spine. Trainingsunfall (der) spine !spaIn? She broke her spine in the accident. Wirbelsäule (die) paralysed !*pxrElaIzd? Since that day, she has been paralysed . gelähmt rehabilitation centre !ri"hEbIlI*teISn sentE? She had to go to a rehabilitation centre . Rehabilitationszentrum (das) summary !*s0mEri? This is a summary of the interview. Zusammenfassung (die) 179 one hundred and seventy-nine Nur zu P üfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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