Prime Time 2, Coursebook

mean !mi"n? You read a mean posting about someone. gemein to keep sth. a secret Do you keep the posting a secret ? etw. geheim halten to post !pEUst? sth. He posted the photo online. etw. ins Internet stellen to share !SeE? sth. Do you ask if you can share it? etw. teilen (mit jmdm.) comment !*kOment? Did you write a comment ? Kommentar (der) guy !gaI? Poor guy , he keeps falling off his surfboad. Kerl (der), Typ (der) personal !*p3"sEnl? Don’t share anything personal with people you don’t know. persönlich, privat perfectly !*p3"fektli? well You know perfectly well how to behave online. ganz genau, perfekt to click !klIk? Don’t click on links from people you don’t know. klicken Show what you can do 8 burglar !*b3"glE? They have caught the burglar . Einbrecher (der), Einbrecherin (die) purse !p3"s? She can’t find her purse . Geldbörse (die) Lost …and found – a play 1 dumb show !*d0m SEU? Look at these scenes of the dumb show . Pantomime, Gebärdenspiel scene !si"n? What is happening in each scene ? Szene (die) trunk !tr0Nk? Two men are carrying away a heavy trunk . Koffer (der), Truhe (die) character !*kxrEktE? There are two characters who are trying to steal something. Figur (die), Charakter (der) Scene 1: In the crown room 2 king !kIN? The class is visiting King Aled’s castle. König (der) as well as !Ez *wel Ez? Tom, Aisha, their class as well as their teacher are visiting the castle. sowie, und auch guide !gaId? Welcome, I will be your guide today. Führer (der), Führerin (die) not any longer !nOt eni *lONgE? The castle doesn’t have a crown any longer . nicht mehr to disappear !dIsE*pIE? The crown disappeared from the crown room. verschwinden locked !lOkt? The cabinet with the crown was locked . versperrt cabinet !*kxbInEt? The crown was stolen from a cabinet . Vitrine (die) overnight !EUvE*naIt? Someone stole the crown overnight . in der Nacht as if by magic !*mxdZIk? It disappeared as if by magic . wie von Zauberhand combination !kEmbI*neISn? Only I know the secret combination . hier: Zahlenkombination to sigh !saI? The guide sighs and explains about the robbery. seufzen to push !pUS? sth. She pushes a button and a hologram appears in the cabinet. drücken hologram !*hOlEgrxm? It is a beautiful hologram of the crown. Hologramm (das) gold !gEUld? Look, the crown is made of gold ! Gold (das) 3 excited !Ik*saItId? The children were very excited about the robbery. aufgeregt, begeistert Unit 12 176 Vocabulary one hundred and seventy-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv