Prime Time 2, Coursebook

to rob !rOb? (a bank) They robbed a bank yesterday. (eine Bank) ausrauben, überfallen to gossip !*gOsIp? about sb. They like gossiping about me. über jmdn. tratschen/klatschen to bully !*bUli? sb. This boy in my class is bullying me. jmdn. tyrannisieren, jmdn. mobben to threaten !*Tretn? sb. The man is threatening the cashier. jmdn. bedrohen bully !*bUli? (pl. bullies) Teachers usually know who the bullies are in a class. jmd., der andere einschüchtert, bedroht oder verletzt to hurt !h3"t? sb. Bullies like hurting others. jmdm. wehtun, jmdn. verletzen Witnessing a crime? 2 to witness sth. Sue was witnessing a crime. etw. beobachten, Zeuge/Zeugin einer Sache sein to commit !kE*mIt? a crime Have you ever committed a crime? ein Verbrechen begehen 3 store !stC"? She stole something from the store . Geschäft (das) detective !dI*tektIv? Detectives try to solve crimes. Detektiv (der), Detektivin (die) store manager !*mxnIdZE? The store manager is a woman. Geschäftsleiter (der), Geschäfts­ leiterin (die) shoplifter !*SOplIftE? The shoplifter put something in his backpack. Ladendieb (der), Ladendiebin (die) exactly !Ig*zxktli? What exactly did the man do? genau shoplifting !*SOplIftIN? He was arrested for shoplifting . Ladendiebstahl (der) What has happened? 4 to break – broke – broken sth. They have broken the window. etw. zerbrechen to tear !teE? sth. – tore !tC"? – torn !tC"n? They have torn my papers. etw. zerreißen to switch !swItS? off sth. They have switched off the alarm. etw. ausschalten 5 unpleasant !0n*pleznt? He had an unpleasant surprise. unangenehm, unerfreulich to arrest !E*rest? sb. The police have arrested two women. jmdn. verhaften to catch !kxtS? sb. They have caught the thieves. jmdn. fangen, festnehmen locker !*lOkE? Somebody has opened his locker . Spind (der), Schließfach (das) bad guy !*bxd gaI? They have found the bad guy . Bösewicht (der) bank robber !*bxNk rObE? The police are looking for a bank robber . Bankräuber (der), Bankräuberin (die) thief !Ti"f? (pl. thieves) !Ti"vz? The thieves are running away from the police. Dieb (der), Diebin (die) to do a great job The police do a great job . gute Arbeit leisten I want to feel safe 6 to hold the line Please hold the line . am Apparat bleiben emergency !I*m3"dZnsi? Listen, it’s an emergency . Notfall (der) burglary !*b3"glEri? I want to report a burglary . Einbruch (der) front door !fr0nt *dC"? Someone has broken my front door . Haustür (die) ceiling !*si"lIN? The light on the ceiling is broken. Zimmerdecke (die) 7 private !*praIvEt? Do you invite your friends as “ private ”? privat serious !*sIErIEs? Your friend tells you about a serious problem. ernst to discuss !dIs*k0s? sth. (with sb.) Discuss this problem with your friend. etw. (mit jmdm.) besprechen, diskutieren 175 one hundred and seventy-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv