Prime Time 2, Coursebook

ramp !rxmp? He went down the ramp on his skateboard. Rampe (die) illegal !I*li"gl? Skateboarding in a car park is illegal . illegal duh (coll.) !d3"? “Isn’t it illegal?” – “ Duh !” sicher, ja klar Who cares? Who cares if it’s illegal? Was soll’s? wicked (coll.) !*wIkId? The ramps in this car park are wicked ! hier: super, fantastisch steep !sti"p? The ramps were really steep . steil to be sb’s turn !t3"n? It’s your turn now. an der Reihe sein to beat !bi:t? – beat !bi:t? – beaten !bi"tn? My heart was beating fast. schlagen Go on! Go on , what are you waiting for? los, mach schon! to be angry with sb. I was really angry with him. böse auf jmdn. sein to make sb. do sth. He made me go on the ramp. jemanden dazu bringen etw. zu tun, überreden to push off !pUS *Of? sth. I pushed off my skateboard. sich abstoßen to appear !E*pIE? from nowhere The car appeared from nowhere . plötzlich aus dem Nichts auftauchen, erscheinen from nowhere !*nEUweE? It came from nowhere ! aus dem Nichts driver !*draIvE? The driver didn’t see me and I couldn’t stop my skateboard. Fahrer (der), Fahrerin (die) Wham! !wxm? (coll.) Zack! Wumm! straight !streIt? I went straight into the side of the car. hier: direkt plaster (cast) !*plA"stE kA"st? My arm is in a plaster cast . Gips (-verband) (der) front tooth !fr0nt *tu"T? I’ve lost a front tooth . Vorderzahn (der) to listen to sb. I didn’t have to listen to you . auf jemanden hören 8 intensifier !In*tensIfaIE? You can use intensifiers in your text. Verstärkungswort (das) thought !TC"t? Write down his thoughts . Gedanke (der) extremely !Ik*stri"mli? It was extremely unfair of me to do that. äußerst, höchst unfair !0n*feE? It was unfair of me to laugh at you. unfair to feel ashamed !E*SeImd? I feel ashamed for being such an idiot. sich schämen apology note !E*pOlEdZi nEUt? Have you read my apology note ? schriftliche Entschuldigung (die) to be sorry for sth. I am really sorry for what I’ve done. leid tun, sich für etw. entschuldigen to insist !In*sIst? (that) I don’t know why I insisted you should come with me. darauf bestehen (dass) to call sb. sth. He called him a scaredy cat. hier: jmdn. als etw. beschimpfen silly !sIli? I’m sorry for being such a silly coward. dumm Show what you can do 11 to imagine !I*mxdZIn? sth. Imagine you are one of the kids who have teased Moody Rudy. sich etw. vorstellen, ausdenken Crime 1 crime !kraIm? Stealing is a crime . Verbrechen (das) behaviour !bI*heIvjE? Some kids were sent to the head’s office for bad behaviour in class. Verhalten (das) to break into sth. A man is breaking into a shop. in etw. einbrechen Unit 11 174 Vocabulary one hundred and seventy-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv