Prime Time 2, Coursebook

block !blOk? We often meet the other kids from the block . (Wohn-) Block to be in the centre !*sentE? When we meet them, she’s always in the centre . im Mittelpunkt stehen to look good The reason is she looks really good . gut aussehen attractive !E*trxktIv? She is very attractive . attraktiv skinny !*skIni? I’m too tall and skinny . dünn, mager absolutely !xbsE*lu"tli? This is absolutely awful of him. absolut, völlig awful !*C"fl? I feel awful when I’m with other kids. furchtbar, schrecklich terribly !*terEbli? unhappy I am terribly unhappy about my looks. fürchterlich unglücklich to spread rumours !spred *ru"mEz? A boy in my class is spreading rumours about me. Gerüchte verbreiten to steal !sti"l? – stole !stEUl? – stolen !stEUlEn? He tells everybody that I stole his maths test. stehlen throw away sth. I didn’t throw it away . etw. wegwerfen to blame !bleIm? sth./sb. Everybody blames me because he can’t find it. jmdm./etw. die Schuld geben even !*i"vn? Even the teachers are beginning to think I’m lying. sogar, selbst gossip !*gOsIp? This gossip is making me go crazy. Tratsch (der), Gerede (das) to compare !kEm*peE? yourself with Try not to compare yourself with the others. sich mit jmdm. vergleichen to ignore !Ig*nC"? sb./sth. Just ignore it all and concentrate on your school work. jmdn./etw. ignorieren …what’s going on. You should tell your mum and dad what’s going on . … was los ist. 6 to apologise !E*pOlEdZaIz? You should apologise to your friend. sich entschuldigen tattoo !tE*tu"? He wants to have a tattoo . Tätowierung (die) to be against !E*genst? sth. His parents are against it. gegen etw. sein sleepover !*sli"pEUvE? She wants to invite some friends for a sleepover . Pyjamaparty (die) to accept !Ek*sept? sth. He can’t accept that she can run faster. etw. akzeptieren to treat !trI"t? sb. unfairly !0n*feEli? He treats here unfairly . jmdn. unfair behandeln to keep a secret She thinks her best friends doesn’t keep secrets . ein Geheimnis für sich behalten Feeling great 7 daredevil (coll.) !*deEdevl? He is such a daredevil . Draufgänger (der), Draufgängerin (die) scaredy cat (coll.) !*skeEdi kxt? I didn’t want to look like a scaredy cat . Angsthase (der) car park !*kA" pA"k? He wanted to try it out in the car park . Parkhaus (das), Parkplatz (der) bungee jumping !*b0ndZi j0mpIN? Did they go bungee jumping ? Bungeespringen (das) coward !*kaUEd? He didn’t want to be a coward . Feigling (der) to try out sth. Let’s try out my new skateboard! etw. ausprobieren multi-storey !m0lti *stC"ri? He wanted to go to a multi-storey car park. mehrstöckig 173 one hundred and seventy-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv