Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Moody Rudy 1 moody !*mu"di? He is always so moody . schlecht gelaunt, launisch to be in a bad mood !mu"d? Rudy is in a bad mood again. schlecht gelaunt sein nervous !*n3"vEs? He is nervous about the test tomorrow. nervös to be confused !kEn*fju"zd? He was quite confused when Alina smiled at him. verwirrt sein to take notes !nEUts? He has taken some notes about Rudy. sich Notizen machen What has happened? 2 to paint !peInt? She has painted a pig on his bag. malen to throw !TrEU? sth. – threw !Tru"? – thrown Somebody has thrown his phone on the floor. etw. werfen result !rI*s0lt? You can see the result of what happened. Resultat (das), Ergebnis (das) action !*xkSn? It is the result of a past action . Handlung (die), Tat (die) disappointed !dIse*pCIntId? He hasn’t bought me a present, now I’m disappointed . enttäuscht 3 ring !rIN? I’ve lost my ring . Ring (der) proud !praUd? We are proud because you have won the football match. stolz shy !SaI? I am very shy when I meet new people. schüchtern unhappy !0n*hxpi? She is unhappy because somebody has broken her phone. unglücklich wallet !*wOlIt? Somebody has stolen his wallet . Brieftasche (die) mark !mA"k? I got a very good mark on my maths test. Schulnote (die) gold coin !gEUld *kCIn? I’ve found a gold coin on the street. Goldmünze (die) bet !bet? Let’s make a bet ! Wette (die) 4 to shut up (coll.) !S0t *0p? Please shut up and listen. den Mund halten to make a fuss !f0s? Don’t make a fuss . sich anstellen, sich zieren to come along !k0m E*lON? Come along and play with us. mitkommen sulky !*s0lki? Why are you so sulky today? trotzig, mürrisch nasty !*nA"sti? He can be really nasty sometimes. schlimm, garstig to tease !ti"z? sb. He often teases his little brother. jmdn. ärgern, zum Narren halten to miss sth. I always miss my friends when I’m on holiday. etw. vermissen thrill !TrIl? At school he’s noisy and misses the thrill . Nervenkitzel (der) to give a speech !spi"tS? He gives a great speech . eine Rede halten to cheer !tSIE? sb. The teachers and his friends all cheer him. jmdm. zujubeln to wave !weIv? your arms They wave their arms and shout his name. mit den Armen winken to clap !klxp? your hand All his friends clapped their hands . (in die Hände) klatschen to have the blues !blu"z? When you have (got) the blues , you are very sad. schlecht drauf sein Asking for help 5 agony aunt !*xgEni A"nt? I wrote a letter to the agony aunt . Kummerkastentante (die) behind sb.’s back All the other children talk about me behind my back . hinter jmds. Rücken to play a trick on sb. I didn’t want to play a trick on our teacher. jmdm. einen Streich spielen Unit 10 172 Vocabulary one hundred and seventy-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv