Prime Time 2, Coursebook

8 to mend !mend? sth. They decide to mend a few things. etw. reparieren, etw. ausbessern around the house Which things can you mend around the house ? rund ums Haus, im Haus to dust !d0st? (sth.) He wants to dust the shelf. (etw.) abstauben to fix !fIks? sth. She is going to fix the desk. hier: etw. reparieren, etw. richten pillow !*pIlEU? They need to mend the pillow . Polster (der), Kissen (das) garage !*gxrA"Z? She is washing the car in the garage . Garage (die) 9 to wobble !*wObl? The chair is wobbling . wackeln (light) bulb socket !*b0lb sOkIt? Don’t put your finger into the bulb socket . Lampenfassung (die) electric shock !IlektrIk *SOk? You could get an electric shock . Stromschlag (der) to catch sth. (in sth.) Be careful you don’t catch your fingers. (sich) etw. (in etw.) einklemmen to spill !spIl? sth. Make sure you don’t spill the oil. etw. verschütten slippy !*slIpi? (coll.) /slippery The oil is really slippy . rutschig to point sth. towards !tE*wC"dz? sth. Don’t point the tip towards your eyes. etw. auf etw. richten tip !tIp? You could hurt yourself with the tip . Spitze (die) to prick !prIk? your finger Make sure you don’t prick your finger . sich in den Finger stechen Show what you can do 10 to look through sth. They are looking through old photographs. etw. durchsehen, etw. durchblättern lively !*laIvli? The girl was a very lively child. lebhaft to have a hard time Granny had a hard time with her. es schwer haben to keep sth. under control !kEn*trEUl? She had a hard time keeping everything under control . etw. unter Kontrolle halten Oh dear. (coll.) Oh dear , it really wasn’t easy being your Granny. Oje. Ach je. to give sb. a hard time You sometimes gave me such a hard time . jmdm. schwer zu schaffen machen unfortunately !0n*fC"tSnEtli? Unfortunately , the dog came into the kitchen and ate it. unglücklicherweise, leider naughty !*nC"ti? What a naughty dog she was. ungezogen, frech to give sb. a bath You were giving her a bath when she jumped out. jmdn. baden mad (coll.) !mxd? Mum was so mad when she came into the bathroom. hier: wütend, böse to take a photo This photo was taken at Halloween. ein Foto machen to get dressed You were getting dressed when the dog came in. sich anziehen crown !kraUn? He started to play with your crown . Krone (die) completely !kEm*pli"tli? I think it was completely ruined. völlig ruined !rUInd? The dog ruined your crown. ruiniert, zerstört sunbed !*s0nbed? He came out of the sea and jumped on our sunbeds . Liegestuhl (der) 11 cable !*keIbl? Be careful you don’t trip over the cable . Kabel (das) to stay safe They are making sure they stay safe . vorsichtig sein hairdryer !*heEdraIE? Never use a hairdryer in the bath. Haartrockner (der), Föhn (der) 171 one hundred and seventy-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv