Prime Time 2, Coursebook

to follow rules If you camp here, you have to follow these rules . Regeln befolgen to put up a tent Don’t put up your tent under a large tree. ein Zelt aufstellen soap !sEUp? Wash your hands with water and soap . Seife (die) drinking water !*drINkIN wC"tE? Always bring your own drinking water . Trinkwasser (das) campsite !*kxmpsaIt? They arrived at the campsite in the afternoon. Campingplatz (der) to light a fire – lit/lighted Do not light any fires here. ein offenes Feuer machen to store !stC"? food Where did you store your food ? Essen aufbewahren secure container !sIkjUE kEn*teInE? Put the food in secure containers . fest verschlossener Behälter away from sth./sb. Keep the containers away from animals. fern von etw./jmdm. rubbish !*r0bIS? Take all your rubbish home with you. Müll (der) allowed !E*laUd? Lighting fires is not allowed . erlaubt forbidden !fE*bIdn? Cooking inside a tent is forbidden . verboten recommended !rekE*mendId? Storing your food in secure containers is recommended . empfohlen necessary !*nesEsEri? Taking home all rubbish is necessary . notwendig (safety) helmet !*helmEt? Wearing a safety helmet is a good idea. (Schutz-)Helm (der) 6 to go wrong It was a trip where everything went wrong . schieflaufen, danebengehen at last !Et *lA"st? At last we have arrived at the campsite. endlich wheelchair !*wi"ltSeE? He helped his sister into the wheelchair . Rollstuhl (der) to look forward !*fC"wEd? to sth. They are looking forward to the camping trip. sich auf etw. freuen wood (s) !wUd? They took their bags and went into the wood . hier: Wald (der) to suggest !sE*dZest? sth. “Let’s put up our tent here,” he suggested . etw. vorschlagen to shine !SaIn? We often go camping when the sun is shining . scheinen gas cooker !*gxs kUkE? They turned on the gas cooker to make soup. Gaskocher (der) to turn around sth. She turned her wheelchair around . etw. umdrehen to knock !nOk? over sth. She knocked over the cooker. etw. umwerfen to catch fire The tent suddenly caught fire . Feuer fangen Let’s get out of here. Verschwinden wir von hier. loaf !lEUf? of bread (pl. loaves) !lEUvz? He found a loaf of bread in the bag. Brotlaib (der) chunk !tS0Nk? He was eating a big chunk of cheese. Brocken (der), Stück (das) in panic !*pxnIk? They ran away in panic . panisch information board They saw an information board with safety rules. Informationstafel (die) sour look !saUE *lUk? She had a sour look on her face. saure Miene (die) to break the rules Which of the rules did they break ? die Regeln brechen 7 clue !klu"? Use the clues and write a short text. Hinweis (der), Tipp (der) Dangers at home 170 Vocabulary one hundred and seventy Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verla s öbv