Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Listening: Marla’s timetable a) Some subjects are missing. Listen to Marla and add the missing words. 4 1.5 63qx5r MY TIMETABLE Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday First lesson 8:30–9:40 a.m. English PE geography art 5 Second lesson 9:45–10:35 a.m. history PE English art English 15 minutes BREAK Third lesson 10:50–11:40 a.m. chemistry 1 German IT 4 textiles Fourth lesson 11:45–12:35 a.m. physics 2 maths German textiles 15 minutes BREAK Fifth lesson 12:50–1:40 p.m. IT biology – geography – Sixth & seventh lesson 1:50–3:30 p.m. after-school activities basketball drama club 3 gardening cooking English 1 English 1 English 1 English 1 English 1 English 1 English 1 English 1 English 1 English 1 English 1 English 1 English 1 English 1 English 1 English 1 b) Use Marla’s timetable and complete the text. Then listen and check your answers. Mondays start with Marla’s favourite subject English. What she doesn’t like about Mondays is physics and chemistry, but chemistry is not as hard 1 as physics. On Tuesday, Marla has maths with Mrs Cooper. She’s also their biology teacher, but biology is 2 as 3 as maths. On Wednesday, she has science lab. This is an after-school activity. On Thursday, Marla has history in the third lesson. It’s 4 , but it’s 5 as 6 as English. Marla’s Fridays start with biology. She thinks that biology is as 7 as English. c) Draw your own timetable. Then write a text of about 60 words as in task 4b. Look at the grammar box and use the phrases as … as … , not as … as … . You can start like this: My timetable for this school year is (not) as nice as last year. On Monday in the first lesson … 1.6 6q2id6 Grammar See 1 G 4 Comparison: as …as … not as …as … Biology is as interesting as physics. History is not as boring as maths. G 17 2 seventeen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv