Prime Time 2, Coursebook

to spread !spred? Then the water spreads over the land. sich ausbreiten land !lxnd? The flow of water rises and spreads over the land . Boden (der), Land (das) hill !hIl? Earth and rock were moving down the hill . Hügel (der) lava !*lA"vE? A volcano’s lava is very hot. Lava (die) explosion !Iks*plEUZn? When it erupts, there is a big explosion . Explosion (die) period !*pIErIEd? A period of dry weather is called a drought. Zeitspanne (die), Periode (die) field !fi"ld? Droughts damage the fields . Feld (das) to dry !draI? up sth. They dry up the rivers. etw. austrocknen 11 to be terrified !*terEfaId? I was terrified by the earthquake. große Angst haben to be injured !*IndZEd? Only one of us was injured . verletzt werden Life is dangerous 1 ladder !*lxdE? He fell off a ladder and broke his leg. Leiter (die) to touch !t0tS? sth. Don’t touch the hot cooker. etw. berühren to trip !trIp? over sth. She tripped over a rock. über etw. stolpern to burn !b3"n? The candle was burning brightly. brennen candle !*kxndl? Don’t play with a burning candle . Kerze (die) light bulb !*laIt b0lb? You need to change the light bulb . Glühbirne (die) power !*paUE? Don’t change a light bulb with the power on. Strom (der) to push !pUS? sth. into sth. Never push a stick into a socket. etw. in etw. hineinschieben socket !*sOkIt? This socket needs to be repaired. Steckdose (die) wobbly !*wObli? Standing on a wobbly chair is dangerous. wacklig Safety first 2 safety !*seIfti? Safety is a very important thing. Sicherheit (die) closely !*klEUsli? Look at the picture and study it closely . hier: genau, sorgfältig to get off !get *Of? He was trying to get off the bus. aussteigen to run after sth./sb. They ran after the school bus. etw./jmdm. nachlaufen to stare !steE? at sth. He was staring at his mobile. etwas anstarren 3 police officer !pE*li"s +OfIsE? The police officer stopped her. Polizist (der), Polizistin (die) to fall over !fC"l *EUvE? – fell over !fel *EUvE? She fell over when she was trying to get off the bus. hinfallen, stürzen dog lead !*dOg li"d? She tripped over a dog lead . Hundeleine (die) to change !tSEIndZ? to sth. The traffic lights changed to red. auf etw. wechseln The dangerous camping trip 5 national park The US has many beautiful national parks . Nationalpark (der) safety rules !*seIfti ru"lz? Please follow our safety rules . Sicherheitsvorschriften (die) to discover !dI*sk0vE? Camping is a great way to discover nature. entdecken beauty !*bju"ti? This way, you can see the beauty of this park. Schönheit (die) to enjoy !In*dZCI? sth. They were enjoying a weekend in the countryside. etw. genießen experience !Ik*spIErIens? Did you enjoy your camping experience ? Erfahrung (die) Unit 9 169 one hundred and sixty-nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv