Prime Time 2, Coursebook

lungs !l0Nz? The dirty air is bad for your lungs . Lunge (die) electrical !I*lektrIkl? equipment Don’t turn on any electrical equipment . Elektrogeräte (die) 7 stressed !strest? Highlight the part of the word that is stressed . hier: betont When the earth is shaking 8 to shake !SeIk? The earth is shaking ! hier: beben strength !streNT? The strength of the earthquake was surprising. Stärke (die) to measure !*meZE? It is measured on the Richter scale. messen to be named after sb. The scale is named after Charles F. Richter. nach jmdm. benannt sein Richter scale !skeIl? The Richter scale measures the strength of an earthquake. Richterskala (die) direction !daI*rekSn? Masses of rock move in different directions . Richtung (die) to evacuate !I*vxkjUeIt? Several people were evacuated . evakuieren, in Sicherheit bringen 9 (eye-) witness !*wItnEs? An eye-witness tells his story. (Augen-)zeuge (der), (Augen-)zeugin (die) no big deal (coll.) !di"l? My Japanese friends said it was no big deal . keine große Sache at first At first , we didn’t notice anything. anfangs, am Anfang to pay attention !E*tenSn? to sth. We didn’t pay attention to the noise. etw. beachten to smash !smxS? The clock fell off the wall and smashed . zerbrechen the news (sg) !nju"z? The news shows the town of Sendai. Nachrichtensendung (die) mile !maIl? It happened in a village 10 miles from here. Meile (die) to be damaged !*dxmIdZ? The building was badly damaged . beschädigt werden broken !*brEUkn? There was fire coming from broken gas pipes. kaputt gas pipe !paIp? All gas pipes were broken. Gasleitung (die) to put out !pUt *AUt? a fire The firefighters put out the fire. ein Feuer löschen electricity !Ilek*trIsEti? We don’t have any electricity . (elektrischer) Strom (der) just then Just then our flat was shaking. gerade in diesem Augenblick hall !hC"l? We went out into the hall . Vorzimmer (das), Gang (der) to press !pres? a button She pressed the button for the lift. einen Knopf drücken button !*b0tn? The button wasn’t working. Knopf (der) lift !lIft? The lift didn’t come. Lift (der) take sth. out of service !*s3"vIs? The lifts are taken out of service . etw. außer Betrieb setzen the whole !hEUl? building Suddenly the whole building moved. das ganze Gebäude calm !kA"m? They were very calm and laughed a lot. ruhig, gelassen to break out !breIk *aut? Why did the fire break out ? ausbrechen Show what you can do 10 definition !defI*nISn? Match the definitions with the right words. Definition (die), Erklärung (die) flow !flEU? A flood is a great flow of water. Flut (die), Strom (der) to rise !raIz? After long and heavy rains the water of the river rises very quickly. (an-) steigen 168 Vocabulary one hundred and sixty-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv