Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Roman !*rEUmEn? Rich Romans spent the summer in Pompeii. Römer (der), Römerin (die) ash !xS? The whole city was buried under lots of ash . Asche (die) to shoot !Su"t? – shot – shot out of sth. Ash and rock shot out of the volcano. plötzlich herausschießen volcano !vOl*keInEU? (pl. volcanoes) Mount Vesuvius is a volcano . Vulkan (der) to be destroyed !dI*strCI? by sth. Buldings were destroyed by the lava. von etw. zerstört werden century !*sentSri? In the 18th century , they found something interesting. Jarhundert (das) archaeologist !A"kI*OlEdZi? Archaeologists found paintings and buildings. Archäologe (der), Archäologin (die) alive !E*laIv? The people were still alive . lebendig, am Leben intact !In*txkt? The buildings were still intact . intakt, unversehrt painting !*peIntIN? Have you seen this beautiful painting ? Bild (das), Gemälde (das) How to behave in dangerous weather 5 to behave !bI*heIv? How should you behave in dangerous weather? sich verhalten dos and don’ts These are the dos and don’ts . Gebote und Verbote thunderstorm !*T0ndEstC"m? There will be a thunderstorm tomorrow. Gewitter (das) hiker !*haIkE? Hikers should be careful in a thunderstorm. Wanderer (der), Wanderin (die) instructions !In*str0kSEnz? Read the instructions for hikers. Anweisungen (die) to get caught !kC"t? in sth. We got caught in a thunderstorm. hier: von etw. überrascht werden to find shelter !*SeltE? Try to find shelter immediately. Schutz suchen immediately !I*mi"dIEtli? He was taken to hospital immediately . sofort, gleich cave !keIv? Find a house, cave or car and get in. Höhle (die) rubber boots !r0bE *bu"ts? You should wear rubber boots . Gummistiefel (die) near !nIE? Don’t stand near or under a tree. in der Nähe, nahe close !klEUs? to sth. Don’t stand close to power lines. nahe bei power line !*paUE laIn? The earthquake cut the power line . Stromleitung (die) metal frame !metl *freIm? Don’t carry a backpack with a metal frame . Metallrahmen (der) to get out of sth. Get out of the water immediately. aus etw. hinausgehen in the same way Change the instructions in the same way . auf die gleiche Weise instead !In*sted? of sth./sb. I put on my boots instead of trainers. statt etw./jmdm. must not !m0st? You mustn’t use your phone in a thunderstorm. nicht dürfen 6 to stop quickly !*kwIkli? Stop as quickly as possible. rasch anhalten outdoors !Aut*dC"z? If you are outdoors , run back to your home. im Freien bridge !brIdZ? Don’t try to find shelter under a bridge . Brücke (die) earthquake-safe !*3"TkweIkseIf? Most bridges are not earthquake-safe . erdbebensicher shaking !*SeIkIN? Wait until the shaking is over. hier: Beben (das) to be over !*EUvE? The earthquake is finally over . vorbei sein towel !*taUEl? You can also cover it with a towel . Handtuch (das) air !eE? Dirty air is not good for you. Luft (die) 167 one hundred and sixty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv