Prime Time 2, Coursebook

to lead !li"d? to sth. The hot weather led to an outbreak of wildfires. zu etw. führen wildfire !*waIldfaIE? Wildfires destroyed the woods. Waldbrände southern !*s0DEn? Italy The volcano is in southern Italy . Süditalien vast clouds of smoke !vA"st ... smEUk? We saw vast clouds of smoke around the city. gewaltige Rauchwolken at 40 degrees !dIgri"z? Celsius At 40 degrees Celsius animals are in danger. bei 40 Grad Celsius thousands/hundreds/ dozens !*d0znz? Thousands of animals are in danger. tausende/hunderte/duzende nature reserve !*neItSE rI*z3"v? Nature reserves protect plants and animals. Naturschutzgebiet (das) danger !*deIndZE? Everyone in the village is in danger . Gefahr (die) to be hit by sth. The region was hit by an earthquake. von etw. getroffen werden a devastating landslide !*devEsteItIN *lxndslaId? A devastating landslide has hit my village. ein verheerender Erdrutsch (der) to be buried !*beri? People were buried under an avalanche. verschüttet, begraben sein mud !m0d? Mud is a mix of earth and water. Schlamm (der) rock !rOk? Rocks are large pieces of stone. Stein (der), Felsbrocken (der) to be rescued !*reskju"? by sb. He was rescued by a firefighter. von jmdm. gerettet werden human chain !hju"mEn *tSeIn? They formed a human chain to help them. Menschenkette (die) to reach !ri"tS? sth. They reached a safe place. etw. erreichen massive !*mxsIv? flooding Austria was hit by massive flooding yesterday. enorme Überschwemmung firefighter !*faIE faItE? A team of firefighters rescued the dogs. Feuerwehrmann (der), Feuerwehrfrau (die) a dozen !*d0zn? They rescued more than a dozen dogs. ein Duzend to pull sb./sth. from sth. They pulled some puppies from a car. jmdn./etw. aus etw. herausziehen truck !tr0k? The puppies were in a truck . Lastwagen (der) to be stuck The truck was stuck in the flood waters. hier: festsitzen 3 a popular ski resort !*pOpjElE *ski" rIzC"t? Tignes is a popular ski resort . ein beliebter Skiort among !E*m0N? them Among them were families with children. unter ihnen weather conditions !*wEDE kEndISnz? They worked in very bad weather conditions . Witterungsverhältnisse (die) thick fog !TIk fOg? There was thick fog everywhere. dichter Nebel sniffer dog !*snIfE dOg? The sniffer dogs looked for people in the snow. Spürhund (der) missing !*mIsIN? All missing people were found. vermisst search operation !*s3"tS OpreISn? The search operations went on all night. Suchaktion (die) to be hurt !h3"t? Nobody was hurt in the accident verletzt werden 4 Romania !ru"*meInjE? The disaster happened in Romania . Rumänien BC !bi"*si"? (Before Christ) Julius Caeser died in 44 BC . v. Chr. (vor Christus) AD !eI*di"? (Anno Domini) Pompeii was destroyed in 79 AD . n. Chr (nach Christus) rich !rItS? Claire’s father is very rich . reich 166 Vocabulary one hundred and sixty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv