Prime Time 2, Coursebook

snowball fight !*snEUbC"l faIt? We often have a snowball fight. Schneeballschlacht (die) whenever !wen*evE? She waters the plants whenever they need it. hier: immer wenn heavy !*hevi? The trash is too heavy for her. schwer snowman !*snEUmxn? They are building a snowman outside. Schneemann (der) Natural disasters natural disaster !*nxtSrl dIsA"stE? Hurricanes are natural disasters . Naturkatastrophe (die) 1 scary !skeEri? Being in an earthquake was very scary . furchterregend avalanche !*xvElA"nS? An avalanche hit a village in Italy. Lawine (die) flood !fl0d? The flood came suddenly in the middle of the night. Flut (die) volcanic eruption !vOl*kxnIk I*r0pSEn? There was a volcanic eruption in Pompeii. Vulkanausbruch (der) earthquake !*3"TkweIk? A village in China was hit by an earthquake yesterday. Erdbeben (das) drought !draUt? A drought is a period of very dry weather. Dürre (die) tornado !tC"*neIdEU? A tornado will hit us tomorrow afternoon. Tornado (der) hurricane !*h0rIkEn? The hurricane caused flooding in many areas. (tropischer) Wirbelsturm (der), Hurrikan (der) When nature goes wild 2 to go wild !gEU *waIld? Natural disasters happen when nature goes wild . wild werden to cover !*k0vE? up sth. Cover up the text and listen to the reports. etw. zudecken weather extreme !weDEr Ik*stri"m? Read about weather extremes around the world. Wetterextrem (das) during !*djUE"rIN? What should you do during an earthquake? während outdoor !aUt*dC"? It happened during an outdoor wedding ceremony. Freiluft-, im Freien wedding ceremony !*wedIN SerImEni? He was struck by lightning during the wedding ceremony . Hochzeitsfeier (die) bride !braId? He was the father of the bride . Braut (die) to be struck by (a flash of) lightning !str0k … flxS Ev *laItnIN? The father was struck by a flash of lightning . vom Blitz getroffen werden while !waIl? He was struck by lightning while he was holding a speech. während to hold a speech !spi"tS? He was holding a speech at the wedding. eine Rede halten couple !*k0pl? He spoke to the young couple at the wedding ceremony. Paar (das) luckily !*l0kIli? Luckily , nothing bad happenend. glücklicherweise, zum Glück to be killed !kIl? by sth./sb. The man was not killed by the lightning. getötet werden to recover !rI*k0vE? from sth. He recovered from the shock. sich von etw. erholen to light up !laIt *0p? – lit up !lIt *0p? /lighted up !laItEd? The microphone suddenly lit/lighted up . aufleuchten to drop dead They thought he was going to drop dead . tot umfallen Unit 8 165 one hundred and sixty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv