Prime Time 2, Coursebook

shopping spree !*SOpIN spri"? She can go on a shopping spree every day. Einkaufstour (die) stressful !*stresfUl? Claire has a stressful life. stressig to protect !prE*tekt? She has two bodyguards who protect her. beschützen bully !*bUli? (pl. bullies) She doesn’t have to be afraid of bullies . jmd., der/die andere einschüchtert, bedroht oder verletzt all day long She can relax all day long . den ganzen Tag talent !*txlnt? Nobody sees her talents . Talent (das) wonderful !*w0ndEfUl? Her life is wonderful . wunderbar, wundervoll to be happy for sb. I’m so happy for her . sich für jmdn. freuen to hear sth. about sb./sth. I’m really sorry to hear about that. etw. über jmdn./etw. hören Finders keepers? 8 finders keepers !faIndEz *kIpEz? I’m going to keep it. Finders keepers . Wer’s findet dem gehört’s. suddenly !*s0dnli? Suddenly he noticed something on the ground. plötzlich to notice !*nEUtIs? sth. Have you noticed anything different about me? etw. bemerken to pick up !pIk *0p? sth. He picked up the money. etw. aufheben to rush over !r0S *EUvE? They rushed over to see it. herbeieilen to keep !ki"p? sth. It was not okay to keep the money. etw. behalten pocket !*pOkIt? He put the money in his pocket . (Hosen-)tasche (die) pensioner !*penSnE? Maybe an old pensioner needs it. Pensionist (der), Pensionistin (die) to belong !bI*lON? to sb. Who does it belong to? jmdm. gehören half the customers Half the customers will say it’s theirs. die Hälfte der Kunden/Kundinnen to leave sth. somewhere We could leave it on that wall. etw. wo (hinter) lassen owner !*EUnE? How do we find out who the owner is? Besitzer (der), Besitzerin (die) nearby !nIE*baI? They looked for him in the supermarket nearby . in der Nähe 9 ending !*endIN? Which ending do you like best? Ende (das) to donate !dEU*neIt? I want to donate the money I found. spenden charity !*tSxrEti? They gave the money to a charity for sick animals. Wohltätigkeitsorganisation (die) to hand sth. in They handed in the money straight away. etw. abgeben police station !pE*lI"s steISn? Do you know where the police station is? Polizeiwache (die) to do the right thing It was the right thing to do . das Richtige tun to have a good time They had a good time together. Spaß haben, sich gut amüsieren Show what you can do 11 posting !*pEUstIN? Read her posting on the internet. Beitrag (der) (im Internet) to help around the house My parents ask me to help around the house . im Haushalt helfen to earn !3"n? money I help so that I can earn extra money. Geld verdienen trash (AE) !trxS? Why doesn’t she take the trash out? Müll (der) to stink !stINk? I don’t like taking out the rubbish, it stinks ! stinken to shovel !*S0vl? In the winter, we shovel the snow in front of the house. (Schnee) schaufeln 164 Vocabulary one hundred and sixty-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv