Prime Time 2, Coursebook

to empty !*empti? the dishwasher Could you empty the dishwasher ? die Geschirrspülmaschine ausräumen to mow the lawn !mEU DE *lC"n? I mow our lawn once a month. den Rasen mähen 4 to pay !peI? – paid !peId? Can I pay some money into my bank account? (be) zahlen to fill in a form !fC"m? Would you fill in these forms , please? ein Formular ausfüllen identification !aIdentIfI*keISn? I need some identification . hier: Ausweis (der) passport !*pA"spC"t? Do you have your passport ? Reisepass (der) to deposit !dI*pOzIt? money You can deposit money into the account. Geld einzahlen straight away !streIt E*weI? Don’t wait, do it straight away . sofort, gleich to set up sth. There you are, everything is set up . etw. einrichten cashier !*kxSIE? Would you go to the cashier at the front of the bank, please? Kassier (der), Kassiererin (die) Next please! Der/Die Nächste bitte! account details If you could give me your account details , please. Bankverbindung (die) account number Here is my account number . Kontonummer (die) bank card Do you have a bank card ? Bankkarte (die) not yet !jet? She doesn’t have an account yet . noch nicht 5 similar !*sImIlE? Act out similar dialogues. ähnlich amount !E*maUnt? Please choose the amount of money you would like to withdraw. Menge (die), Betrag (der) to save up !seIv *0p? I’m trying to save up for a big holiday. sparen to withdraw !wID*drC"? money I’d like to withdraw £200 from my account. Geld abheben Poor Claire 6 billionaire !bIljE*neE? My dad’s a billionaire . Milliardär (der), Milliardärin (die) yen !jen? In Japan, you pay with yen . Yen (der) bodyguard !bOdi*gA"d? I’ve got two bodyguards but not one friend. Leibwächter (der), Leibwächterin (die) to be away !E*weI? My dad is always away . weg sein servant !*s3"vnt? All our servants lost their jobs. Diener (der), Dienerin (die) to lose sth. I lost my keys in the street yesterday. etw. verlieren Beijing !beI*dZIN? Beijing is the capital of China. Peking without !wI*DaUt? Life is hard without a credit card. ohne rocket !*rOkIt? I have so much money, I could buy a rocket . Rakete (die) piggy bank !*pIgi bxNk? I don’t keep my money in a piggy bank . Sparschwein (das) to play the fool !fu"l? I often play the fool at school. herumalbern, sich dumm stellen 7 to be lucky !*l0ki? She is lucky that she can buy anything she wants. Glück haben opinion !E*pInjEn? What do you think? Give your opinion . Meinung (die) to afford !E*fC"d? sth. Claire can afford anything she wants. sich etwas leisten können to spend !spend? money on sth. She spends most of her money on clothes. Geld für etwas ausgeben 163 one hundred and sixty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv