Prime Time 2, Coursebook

possible !*pOsIbl? I’ll be there as soon as possible . möglich event !I*vent? The farewell party was a great event . Ereignis (das) to prepare !prI*peE? sth. Help them prepare a report. etw. vorbereiten hide-and-seek !haIdEn*si"k? We were playing hide-and-seek . Versteckspiel (das) farewell salute !sE*lu"t? They gave us their farewell salute . Abschiedsgruß (der) 8 police officer !pE*li"s OfIsE? A police officer interviewed the children about the party. Polizeibeamter (der), Polizeibeamte (die) to promise !*prOmIs? Did they promise to come back? versprechen details !*dIteIlz? I need to know some more details . Details (die) incident !*InsIdnt? She asked about the incident on the village green. Vorfall (der) to celebrate !*selEbreIt? That’s how our friends celebrate a farewell party. feiern Show what you can do 9 to be frightened !*fraItnd? The children weren’t frightened when they came. Angst haben Money 1 to care for sth. !ker? We care for your money. auf etw. aufpassen cash !kxS? Sorry, I don’t have any cash . Bargeld (das) contactless !*kOntxktles? You can also pay contactless . kontaktlos credit card !*kredIt kA"d? Can I use your credit card ? Kreditkarte (die) exchange office !Iks*tSeIndZ OfIs? Is there an exchange office nearby? Wechselstube (die) cash machine !*kxS mESi"n? I need to find a cash machine . Bankomat (der) currency !*k0rnsi? Buy foreign currencies at the bank. Währung (die) dollar !*dOlE? ($) It costs five dollars . Dollar (der) euro !*jUErEU? (€) I get 10 euros a month. Euro (der) pound !paUnd? (sterling) (£) Do you have any pounds ? Pfund (das) to pay by cash You can only pay by cash here. in bar bezahlen banknote !*bxNknEUt? I want to buy dollar banknotes . Geldschein (der) coin !kCIn? You must pay with banknotes and coins . Münze (die) to manage !*mxnIdZ? sth. Can you manage your bank account on your smartphone? etw. organisieren, verwalten bank account !*bxNk EkaUnt? Do you have a bank account with us? Bankkonto (das) to insert !in*s3"t? sth. You don’t have to insert your credit card. etw. (wo) hineinstecken Pocket money 2 to save !seIv? money You’ll have to learn to save your money . Geld sparen branch !brA"ntS? Let’s go to the local branch of the National Bank. hier: Filiale (die) 3 to water the plants I water the plants in the living room every day. die Pflanzen gießen to take the rubbish !*r0bIS? out Sometimes Dad asks me to take the rubbish out . den Müll rausbringen Unit 7 162 Vocabulary one hundred and sixty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv