Prime Time 2, Coursebook

to have sth. in common !*kOmEn? We have something in common . Gemeinsamkeiten haben to nod !nOd? (your head) The children nodded their heads. (mit dem Kopf) nicken to speak !spi"k? to sb. – spoke I spoke to you and now we know who you are. mit jmdm. sprechen to fear !fIE? You fear what you don’t know. etw. fürchten, vor etw. Angst haben Fact or fiction? 7 fact !fxkt? The aliens were here, that’s a fact . Tatsache (die) fiction !*fIkSn? This story isn’t true, it’s just fiction . Fiktion (die), Erfindung (die) farewell party !feE*wel pA"ti? We were having a farewell party . Abschiedsfeier (die) to report !rI*pC"t? sth. to the police I reported an accident to the police yesterday. etw. der Polizei melden sighting !*saItIN? There was a UFO sighting in the village. Sichtung (die) village green !vIlIdZ *gri"n? They were having a party on the village green . Dorfwiese (die) flat !flxt? A long time ago, people believed that the Earth was flat . flach object !*ObdZIkt? There was a flat object flying around. Objekt (das) huge !hju"dZ? It was a huge alien spaceship. riesig, riesengroß pancake !*pxnkeIk? The UFO looked like a huge pancake . Palatschinke (die) circle !*s3"kl? of lights There was a circle of lights moving around it. Lichterkreis (der) to flicker !*flIkE? The lights on the spaceship flickered a lot. flackern, flimmern to my surprise !sE*praIz? To my surprise , I saw lots of weird creatures. zu meiner Überraschung towards !tE*wC"dz? sth. They flew towards the children on the green. sich auf etw. zubewegen, in Richtung auf etw. local !*lEUkl? The children were from the local school. örtlich, lokal to shock !SOk? The farewell party shocked the Lansings. schockieren to box !bOks? The creatures started boxing and fighting. boxen to scream !skri"m? (in fear) We all screamed in fear. (vor Angst) schreien fast !fA"st? The aliens were moving very fast . schnell aggressive !E*gresIv? The aliens were not aggressive . aggressiv ground !grAUnd? They all fell to the ground . (Erd-)Boden (der) completely exhausted !kEm*pli"tli Ig*zC"stId? We were completely exhausted . völlig erschöpft flash of lightning !flxS Ev *laItnIN? Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning . Lichtblitz (der) dazzling bright !dxzlIN *braIt? The dazzling bright light frightened them. hier: blendend to blind !blaInd? sb. The flash of lightning almost blinded them. jmd. blind machen, blenden almost !C"l*mEUst? I was running so fast, I almost fell over. fast, beinahe finally !*faInEli? They finally opened their eyes. schließlich, endlich spots !spOt? of burnt grass They saw spots of burnt grass in front of them. Flecken, Stellen von verbranntem Gras (die) They were gone. !gOn? Sie waren weg. truth !tru"T? Did they tell the truth ? Wahrheit (die) grateful !*greItfUl? We would be very grateful for your help. dankbar 161 one hundred and sixty-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verl gs öbv