Prime Time 2, Coursebook

for a thousand kilometres !*kIlEmI"tEz? We can see for a thousand kilometres . hier: tausend Kilometer weit three times Earthlings put stuff in their mouths three times a day. dreimal to grow !grEU? Their food grows on trees and on the ground. wachsen gross !grEUs? (coll.) They eat dead animals, it’s gross ! ekelhaft to cover !*k0vE? sth. They cover their bodies to keep warm. etw. bedecken, zudecken square !skweE? Humans spend a lot of time looking at little squares . Quadrat (das), Viereck (das) to keep sth. somewhere Where do you keep your washing machine? etw. wo aufbewahren smart !smA"t? They’re not as smart as we are. gescheit, klug brave !breIv? You should be brave and try new food. mutig universe !*ju"nIv3"s? They believe they are the only life form in the universe . Universum (das) the only I am the only person who has met these aliens. der/die/das einzige … 4 to land !lxnd? The two aliens have landed on Earth. landen to frighten !*fraItn? sb. Our music doesn’t frighten them. jmdn. erschrecken, jmdm. Angst machen 5 musical instrument !mju"sIkl *InstrEmEnt? Do you play a musical instrument ? Musikinstrument (das) Aliens in our lives 6 food for thought !TC"t? This article gave me a lot of food for thought . Stoff zum Nachdenken (der) extraterrestrial !ekstrEtE*restrIEl? (E.T.) Extraterrestrial means “beyond Earth”. außerirdisch beyond !bI*jOnd? “Beyond Earth” means far away from Earth. über etw. hinaus, jenseits You’re kidding! !*kIdIN? (coll.) Du machst Witze! stupid !*stju"pId? This story about aliens is stupid . dumm, blöd lie !laI? – lied !laId? They lied about the aliens. lügen nonsense !*nOnsEns? Nonsense , you’re lying! Unsinn (der) health check !*helT tSek? We had to get a health check . Gesundheitsuntersuchung (die) at the top !tOp? The aliens are sitting at the top of the tree. ganz oben (auf) to laugh !lA"f? at sb. Their friends are laughing at them. jmdn. auslachen to shake !SeIk? your head The teachers are shaking their heads . den Kopf schütteln to take sb./sth. seriously !*sIErIEsli? Nobody takes their story seriously . jmdn./etw. ernst nehmen to not need !ni"d? (to do) sth. You don’t need to be afraid. etw. nicht machen müssen to put up your hand A girl in the class puts up her hand . aufzeigen to be familiar !fE*mIljE? with sth. We’re not familiar with human music. etw. kennen, mit etw. vertraut sein this kind !kaInd? of sound Have you ever heard this kind of sound ? diese Art von Geräusch to explain !Ik*spleIn? They tried to explain to us why they were afraid. erklären 160 Vocabulary one hundred and sixty Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv