Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Going back to school Happy to be back? a) Read the dialogue below. Then act it out with a partner – you can also use your own ideas. Dan: Hey Jeremy. How are you? Jeremy: Hi. I’m fine, thanks. What about you? What was your summer like? Dan: Just great. I was in Styria for two weeks and in Italy for one week. What did you do? Jeremy: I was at home most of the time. I read a lot of books, went swimming and hiking. I sometimes helped my parents in the house. I think it’s cool to be back at school. Dan: Really? Jeremy: Of course. I can hang out with all my friends from class, we have got some new subjects and new teachers, too. Dan: Hmmm? I guess you’re right. It’s good to be back at school. b) Are you happy to be back at school? Tick the sentences that are true for you. I’m happy to be back because … I meet my friends every day. my teachers are nice. I learn new and interesting things. I have new subjects this year. I’m not really happy to be back because … I don’t like tests. I’m sometimes stressed with all the work. not all the teachers are nice. there are some subjects I’m not good at. Listening: A new school year – new things a) Listen to Marla talk about things that are new this school year. b) Listen again and then answer the questions below. T F 1. Marla is twelve years old and happy to be back at school.  2. Marla thinks that this year will be very difficult. 3. This year there are some new subjects like physics and chemistry. 4. Marla doesn’t want to learn about science. 5. Marla’s physics teacher is as friendly as her chemistry teacher. 6. In Marla’s class, it can sometimes be noisy. c) What about your new school year? Write four sentences in your exercise book about what you like and don’t like. 7s3z56 Hey Jeremy. Hi. 2 3 1.4 5373kz 16 2 Unit School life sixteen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv