Prime Time 2, Coursebook

lantern !*lxntEn? People make lanterns at Halloween. Laterne (die) neighbourhood !*neIbEhUd? Children go around the neighbourhood to collect sweets. Nachbarschaft (die) specific !spE*sIfIk? I can listen for specific information. bestimmte/r/s tradition !trE*dISn? Europeans brought the tradition of Halloween to America. Tradition (die) Aliens 1 visitor !*vIsItE? We should clean the flat, we’ve got visitors today. Besucher (der), Besucherin (die) outer space !AUtE *speIs? The aliens came from outer space . Weltraum (der), Weltall (das) alien !*eIlien? Aliens are creatures from other planets. außerirdisches Wesen (das) antenna !xn*tenE? (pl. antennae) !xn*teni"? The UFO is flat with two large antennae . Antenne (die) Earth !3"T? There are over 7 billion humans living on Earth . Erde (die) Milky Way !mIlki *weI? On dark nights you can see the Milky Way in the sky. Milchstraße (die) planet !*plxnIt? Earth, Mars and Venus are all planets . Planet (der) UFO !ju"ef*EU? (unidentified flying object) Last night a family saw a UFO near their house. Ufo (das) (unbekanntes Flugobjekt) wing !wIN? Aeroplanes and birds have wings to help them fly. Flügel (der) Getting in touch 2 to get in touch !t0tS? with sb. I am trying to get in touch with aliens. mit jmdm. Kontakt aufnehmen to wonder !*w0ndE? The aliens wonder why we live in houses. sich wundern, sich Gedanken machen, sich fragen to be sure !SC"? You can’t be sure what they think. (sich) sicher sein probably !*prObEbli? They’ll probably wonder why we don’t have wings. wahrscheinlich sentence generator !*sentEns dZenEreItE? Make sentences using the sentence generator . Satzbaukasten (der) clever !*klevE? We aren’t as clever as they are. klug, gescheit in the dark !da"k? Cats can see in the dark . im Dunkeln 3 report !rI*pC"t? Write a report about the two aliens. Bericht (der) way We want to write about the way you live. hier: Art (die), Weise (die) strange !streIndZ? Aliens find us humans very strange . seltsam, sonderbar life form !*laIf fC"m? Here is a report about the life forms on Earth. Lebewesen (das) earthling !*3"TlIN? The strangest life form on this planet are earthlings . Erdenbewohner (der), Erdenbewohnerin (die) weird !wIEd? The aliens are weird creatures. seltsam to move These aliens can move as fast as a car. hier: sich (fort) bewegen hole !hEUl? Humans have two tiny holes for seeing. Loch (das) Unit 6 159 one hundred and fifty-nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum d s Verlags öbv