Prime Time 2, Coursebook

cotton !kOtn? His shirt is made of cotton . Baumwolle (die) soft !sOft? My new pullover is very soft . weich wool !wUl? These socks are made of wool . Wolle (die) casual !*kxZuEl? I usually wear casual clothes at home. lässig, Freizeit- fabric !*fxbrIk? What fabric is this tank top made of? Stoff (der) leather !*leDE? Are your shoes made of real leather ? Leder (das) plastic !*plxstIk? My flip-flops are made of plastic . Plastik (das) stiff !stIf? New jeans are always a bit stiff . steif, fest sole !sEUl? The soles of my shoes are white. Sohle (die) Dressing up for Halloween 6 to dress up !dres *0p? Will you dress up for Halloween? sich verkleiden fashion show !fxSn SEU? Let’s have an animal fashion show . Modeschau (die) costume !kOstju"m? What costume should I wear to the party? Kostüm (das), Verkleidung (die) to fit !fIt? sb. This shirt fits you very well. jmdm. passen safe !seIf? This is a very safe neighbourhood. sicher to go trick-or-treating !trIk C" *tri"tIN? Many children go trick-or-treating at Halloween. an Halloween von Tür zu Tür gehen coffin !*kOfIn? Vampires sleep in a coffin during the day. Sarg (der) boxer !*bOksE? She is going as a boxer . Boxer (der), Boxerin (die) alligator !*xlIgeItE? What’s the difference between alligators and crocodiles? Alligator (der) chimpanzee !tSImpxn*zi"? Chimpanzees and humans belong to the same family. Schimpanse (der) hamster !*hxmstE? We had a hamster when I was little. Hamster (der) gangster !*gxNstE? He is going as a gangster this year. Verbrecher (der), Verbrecherin (die) lion !*laIEn? My favourite animal is the lion . Löwe (der) creature !*kri"tSE? We should respect all creatures on the planet. Lebewesen (das), Kreatur (die) to take place !teIk *pleIs? Halloween takes place on October 31. stattfinden origin !*OrIdZIn? Do you know the origins of Halloween? Ursprung (der) to date back to Halloween dates back to ancient festivals. auf etw. zurückgehen several !*sevrl? There were several celebrations. einige, mehrere ancient !*eInSnt? They are ancient autumn festivals. alt, antik festival !*festIvl? They are preparing the summer festival . Fest (das), Festival (das) to hold a festival We want to hold a festival . ein Fest veranstalten 7 bear !beE? I’m going to dress up as a bear. Bär (der) zombie !*zOmbi? She dressed up as a zombie last year. Zombie (der) ghost !gEUst? Do you have any ghost costumes? Geist (der) pirate !*paIrEt? Pirate costumes are in fashion again. Pirat (der), Piratin (die) fairy !*feEri? Should I dress up as a fairy ? Fee (die), Elfe (die) demon !*di"mEn? I’m going to the party as a demon . Dämon (der) skeleton !*skelEtn? I really love this skeleton costume. Skelett (das) 8 dead !ded? We remember the dead on that day. Tote (der/die/das) , tot living !*lIvIN? The living and the dead came together on that night. Lebende (der/die/das) , lebend 158 Vocabulary one hundred and fifty-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv