Prime Time 2, Coursebook

scarf !skA"f? (pl. scarves) !skA"vz? He only wears a scarf when it’s very cold. Schal (der) shoes !Su"z? How much is this pair of shoes ? Schuhe (die) shorts !SC"ts? /Bermudas !bE*mju"dEz? He always wears shorts , even in winter. Shorts (die), Bermudahose (die) skirt !sk3"t? I don’t like to wear skirts or dresses. Rock (der) sneakers !*sni"kEz? (AE)/ trainers !*treInEz? (BE) Have you seen my trainers ? Turnschuhe (die) sweater !*swetE? I bought a really cool sweater in the US. (Sport-)Pullover (der) tank top !*txNk tOp? Do you have any black tank tops ? Trägerhemd (das) T-shirt !*ti"S3"t? We bought the same t-shirt at a concert. T-Shirt (das) Let’s go shopping! 2 shop assistant !*Sop EsIstnt? The shop assistant showed me lots of nice sweaters. Verkäufer (der), Verkäuferin (die) customer !*k0stEmE? The customer wants to buy something in the shop. Kunde (der), Kundin (die) both !bEUT? I haven’t got them in both colours. beide Sure! !SUE? Can you help me? – Sure! Na klar! Sicher doch! shirt !S3"t? I’m looking for a shirt for school. Hemd (das) socks !sOks? The socks are at the back of the shop. Socken (die) to replace !rI*pleIs? You can replace nouns with “one” or “ones”. austauschen, ersetzen 3 very best He is my very best friend. allerbeste/r/s (shopping) mall !mC"l? They went to their favourite shop in the mall . Einkaufszentrum (das) fantastic !fxn*txstIk? This looks fantastic on you. fantastisch, traumhaft to try on !traI *On? sth. Where can I try this on ? etw. anprobieren Fashion and style 4 polka-dot !*pOlkE dOt? I love my polka-dot dress. Tupfen (die) , getupft dot !dOt? It is red with white dots . Punkt (der), Tupfen (der) middle !*mIdl? I really like the one in the middle . Mitte (die) ribbon !*rIbn? There’s a yellow ribbon on my dress. Band (das) fashionable !*fxSnEbl? We don’t worry about being fashionable . modisch woollen !*wUlEn? This is my brown woollen jacket. aus Wolle jacket !*dZxkIt? I like my brown jacket a lot. Jacke (die) trendy !*trendi? It’s important to me that I have trendy clothes. modisch to worry !w0ri? (about sth./ sb.) Don’t worry about me! sich (um etw./jmdn.) Sorgen machen timeless !*taImles? Blue jeans are timeless . zeitlos print !prInt? We love animal prints . (Druck)muster (das), Aufdruck (der) zebra !zi:brE? My t-shirt has a zebra on it. Zebra (das) giraffe !dZI*rA"f? I love clothes that have giraffes on them. Giraffe (die) taste !teIst? in fashion Sometimes our taste in fashion is a bit different. Modegeschmack (der) the latest fashion I like to have the latest fashion . der letzte Schrei 5 to be made of sth. What are your clothes made of ? aus etw. gemacht sein 157 one hundred and fifty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv