Prime Time 2, Coursebook

fatty !*fxti? Don’t eat food that is too fatty . fetthaltig, fettig conversation !kOnvE*seISn? Have a conversation with your partner. Unterhaltung (die) ever !*evE? Have you ever tried Chinese food? jemals 7 heading !*hedIN? Match the correct heading . Überschrift (die) texture !*tekstSE? This cake has an interesting texture . Textur (die), Konsistenz (die) taste !teIst? I like the taste of this sauce, what is it? Geschmack (der) creamy !*kri"mi? This soup is very creamy . cremig smooth !smu"T? Mix until the dough is smooth . glatt tender !*tendE? Cook the meat until it is tender . zart tough !t0f? Excuse me, my steak is too tough . hier: zäh stinky !*stINki? I dont’ like stinky cheese. stinkend fragrant !*freIgrEnt? These beautiful flowers are quite fragrant . duftend strong !strON? She loves food that has a strong taste. kräftig, stark sweet !swi"t? She likes her tea sweet with a lot of sugar. süß sour !*saUE? Green apples have a sour taste. sauer bitter !*bItE? My mum likes dark, bitter chocolate. bitter disgusting !dIs*g0stIN? Our hotel had the most disgusting food! ekelhaft, widerlich at least !Et *li"st? Use at least one word from the box. mindestens Show what you can do 8 peas !pi"z? Her favourite vegetable is peas . Erbsen (die) on top of sth. Put the cheese on top of the lasagna. auf etw. oben drauf mashed potatoes !*mxSd pE*teItEUz? Do you want some mashed potatoes ? Kartoffelpüree (das) beef !bi"f? They eat a lot of beef and chicken. Rindfleisch (das) cinnamon rolls !*sInEmEn rEUlz? Their parents love baking cinnamon rolls . Zimtschnecke (die) 9 herbs !h3"bz? Don’t use salt, use strong herbs instead. Kräuter (die) to speak freely !spi"k *fri"li? Try to speak freely during your presentation. frei sprechen It’s all about fashion fashion !*fxSn? She has a video blog about fashion . Mode (die) 1 piece of clothing !*klEUDIN? What’s your favourite piece of clothing ? Kleidungsstück (das) to point !pCInt? at sth. Point at one of the pictures. auf etw. zeigen ballet flats !*bxleI flxts? I usually wear ballet flats with a dress. Ballerinas (die) belt !belt? You will need a belt with these jeans. Gürtel (der) boots !bu"ts? It’s snowing outside, you should wear boot s. Stiefel (die) cap !kxp? When it’s sunny, I usually wear a cap . Kappe (die) dress !dres? My favourite dress is black and blue. Kleid (das) glasses !*glA"sIz? Her glasses are big and round. Brille (die) hat !hxt? I’m looking for a grey hat . Hut (der) hoodie !*hUdi? On weekends I usually wear a hoodie . Kapuzenpullover (der) pants !pxnts? (AE)/ trousers !*traUzEz? (BE) She usually wears black trousers . Hose (die) sandals !*sxndlz? Im looking for a pair of sandals . Sandalen (die) Unit 5 156 Vocabulary one hundred and fifty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv