Prime Time 2, Coursebook

knife !naIf? You use a knife to cut things. Messer (das) fork !fC"k? In the UK, you eat with a knife and a fork . Gabel (die) to get used to I’m getting used to eating like British people. sich an etw. gewöhnen plate !pleIt? Here in the UK, I have my own plate . Teller (der) to look up sth. Look up words you don’t know. etw. nachschauen, etw. nachschlagen linking word !*lINkIN w3"d? Linking words help you write good texts. Bindewort (das) to connect !kE*nekt? They help to connect your ideas. verbinden ideas !aI*dIEz? Think about this topic and write down your ideas . Gedanken (die), Ideen (die) in a meaningful !*mi"nINfUl? way Then connect them in a meaningful way . auf sinnvolle Weise to compare !kEm*peE? sth. Compare your notes with a partner. etw. vergleichen to choose !tSu"z? Read the text and choose the correct answer. aussuchen carrot !*kxrEt? My favourite vegetables are carrots . Karotte (die) cucumber !*kju"k0mbE? Cucumbers have a lot of water in them. Gurke (die) 5 reader !*ri:dE? He tells the readers how he is feeling. Leser (der), Leserin (die) personal !*p3"sEnl? I don’t put any personal information on the internet. persönlich account !E*kaUnt? Write your own personal account about food. hier: Bericht (der) topic !*tOpIk? Pick one of the topics below and write a text. Thema (das) human !*hju"mEn? No humans live there, only animals. Mensch (der) , menschlich like !laIk? What are your likes and dislikes? Vorliebe (die), Neigung (die) dislike !*dIslaIk? Let’s talk about your likes and dislikes for travelling. Abneigung (die) reason !*ri"zn? The reason why I like this is because it is fun. Grund (der) another !E*n0DE? Another important thing is that you should eat greens. noch ein, noch eine Food and what it’s like 6 ugh! (coll.) !3"? Ugh , that is disgusting! wäh, igitt foreign !*fOrEn? Have you been to a foreign country? fremd, ausländisch rude !ru"d? It’s rude to say “ugh” to other people’s food. unhöflich snail !sneIl? In France, people sometimes eat snails and frogs. Schnecke (die) kangaroo !kxNgE*ru"? Kangaroos are animals which live in Australia. Känguru (das) Arab !*xrEb? Sometimes Arabs eat camel meat. Araber (der), Araberin (die) camel !*kxml? Did you ride a camel in your holidays? Kamel (das) Asian !*eIZn? Asians often eat a lot of rice. Asiate (der), Asiatin (die) spicy !*spaIsi? In India, people often eat very spicy food. würzig, scharf hot !hOt? This curry is too hot for me. hier: scharf junk food !*dZ0Nk fu"d? I’m not allowed to eat any junk food . ungesundes Essen, Schnellgericht (das) onion !*OnjEn? Do you like onions in your salad? Zwiebel (die) smelly !*smeli? The onion dip is very smelly . stinkend, übelriechend tasty !*teIsti? Her food is always tasty . schmackhaft, lecker 155 one hundred and fifty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv