Prime Time 2, Coursebook

milk product !*mIlk prOd0kt? Yoghurt, butter and cheese are all milk products . Milchprodukt (das) candy (AE) !*kxndi? I could eat candy all day! Süßigkeit (die), Zuckerl (das) oil !Cil? You can use oil or butter to fry this egg. Öl (das) grain !greIn? Flour is made from grain . Getreide (korn) (das) cereals !*sIErIElz? I usually eat cereals with milk in the morning. Getreide (das), Frühstücksflocken (die) 3 nationality !nxS*nxlEti? What nationality are you? Nationalität (die) to do research !du" rI*s3"tS? Do some online research about these countries. recherchieren dish !dIS? My favourite dish is pizza. hier: Gericht (das) India !*IndIE? – Indian !*IndIEn? My mum is from India . She cooks only Indian food. Indien – indisch China !*tSaInE? – Chinese !tSaI*ni"z? I don’t want to live in China , but I love Chinese food. China – chinesisch Spain !speIn? – Spanish !*spxnIS? People in Spain speak Spanish . Spanien – spanisch Greece !grI"s? – Greek !gri"k? We love Greece and Greek food. Griechenland – griechisch Italy !*ItEli? – Italian !I*txlIEn? I love Italy because I love Italian food. Italien – italienisch typical !*tIpIkl? What’s a typical dish in your country? typisch Everything’s new in a country 4 life !laIf? Life in London is very different from life in Mali. Leben (das) difference !*dIfrEns? One big difference is the food. Unterschied (der) since !sIns? Since I came to the UK, I have tried a lot of dishes. seit to have to do with sth. I’m interested in everything to do with food. mit etw. zu tun haben market !*mA"kIt? My mother walked to the market in the town. Markt (der) shopping basket !*SOpIN bA"skIt? We helped her carry the shopping baskets home. Einkaufskorb (der) ready-made meal !redimeId *mi"l? The British buy more ready-made meals . Fertiggericht (das) packed lunch !pxkt *l0ntS? Many students bring a packed lunch to school. Jausenpaket (das), mitgebrachtes Mittagessen (das) yummy (coll.) !j0mi? I think chocolate is yummy ! lecker so !sEU? Mum says it isn’t healthy, so I can’t eat it. also, daher to be allowed !E*laUd? to do sth. I am not allowed to have any sweets. etw. tun dürfen lamb !lxm? Have you ever eaten lamb ? Lamm (das) chicken !*tSIkn? My favourite meat is chicken . Huhn (das) greens (BE) !gri"nz? British people also call vegetables “ greens ”. Gemüse (das) Brussels sprouts !*br0slz spraUts? At Christmas, we always have Brussels sprouts . Kohlsprossen (die) around !E*raUnd? sth. Let’s sit around the table. hier: um etw. herum bowl !bEUl? We usually have a big bowl of rice and vegetables. Schüssel (die) 154 Vocabulary one hundred and fifty-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv