Prime Time 2, Coursebook

7 at the bottom !*bOtm? Turn right at the bottom of the road. am unteren Ende market !*mA"kIt? You will see the market after 100 metres. Markt (der) Show what you can do 8 future !*fju"tSE? In the future , cars will fly. Zukunft (die) to decide !dI*said? sth. She decided to leave the school. etw. beschließen rain water !*reIn *wC"tE? These showers use rain water . Regenwasser (das) to use energy !*enEdZi? Showering uses a lot of energy . Energie verbrauchen presenter !prI*zentE? The presenter never leaves her keys in the house. Moderator (der)/Moderatorin (die), Ansager (der)/Ansagerin (die) to be able !*eIbl? to do sth Will you be able to come to my party? etw. tun können to control !kEn*trEUl? sth. He can control all the lights from one place. etw. steuern, kontrollieren to phone !fEUn? sb. People should phone the presenter and talk to her. jmdn. anrufen 9 bigger !*bIgE? A city is bigger than a town. größer neighbour !*neIbE? Her neighbour plays music at night. Nachbar (der), Nachbarin (die) apartment building !E*pA"tmEnt bIldIN? There are 25 flats in this apartment building . Wohnhaus (das) In my opinion … !E*pInjEn? In my opinion , it’s better to live in a flat. Meiner Meinung nach … a friend of mine !maIn? A friend of mine has a very noisy neighbour. ein Freund/eine Freundin von mir first First , many flats are very noisy. hier: erstens secondly !*sekEndli? Secondly , you don’t have your own garden. zweitens finally !*faInEli? Finally , most houses are bigger than flats. hier: schlussendlich, zuletzt to enjoy !In*dZCI? sth. I have a garden where I can enjoy my free time. etw. genießen to have a barbecue !*bA"bIkju"? At the weekend, we love having a barbecue outside. grillen relaxed !rI*lxkst? In a larger home, you feel more relaxed . entspannt The world around us 1 already !C"l*redi? Make a list of the countries you’ve already visited. schon, bereits someday !*s0mdeI? Which countries do you want to visit someday? eines Tages to taste !teIst? sth. Have you ever tasted food from another country? etw. kosten, etw. schmecken Countries and their food 2 to label !*leIbl? He has labelled all his exercise books. beschriften coloured area !k0lEd *eErIE? Label the coloured areas in the chart. ausgemalte Fläche (die) chart !tSA"t? The chart shows what people in different countries eat. Grafik (die) diagram !*daIEgrxm? A diagram is a drawing that shows information. Diagramm (das) pie segment !*paI segmEnt? There are 4 equal pie segments in this chart. Kreissegment (das) pie chart !*paI tSA"t? Draw your own pie chart showing what you eat. Tortendiagramm (das) Unit 4 153 one hundred and fifty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv