Prime Time 2, Coursebook

parked cars !pA"kt *kA"z? They are standing between parked cars . geparkte Autos (die) vampire !*vxmpaIE? The vampire is very thirsty. Vampir (der) blood bank !*bl0d bxnk? Is there a blood bank near here? Blutbank (die) next !nekst? Turn left at the next bus stop. nächste/r/s next to sth. The sports ground is next to the pub. neben etw. 5 part !pA"t? In many parts of Europe, people live in wooden houses. Teil (der) Northern !*nC"Dn? (Europe) She travelled round Northern Europe last summer. Nord- (Europa) I used to do this. We used to live in a house by the sea. Ich habe das früher (immer) getan. (wooden) log !lOg? They lived in houses built from wooden logs . Baumstamm (der), Holzscheit (das) builder !*bIldE? The builders used wood to make the houses. Erbauer (der), Erbauerin (die) wood !wUd? Builders cut the wood by hand. Holz (das) nomadic !nEU*mxdIk? Nomadic people move from place to place. nomadisch to move !mu"v? (to somewhere) We moved to this town last year. umziehen, wohin ziehen light !laIt? The tents are light to carry. leicht ( Gewicht ) mud bricks !*m0d brIks? In West Africa, people make houses out of mud bricks . Lehmziegel (der) all year long People don’t usually live there all year long . das ganze Jahr hindurch instead !In*sted? They used thin paper instead . stattdessen stone cottage !*stEUn kOtIdZ? There are a lot of stone cottages in Ireland. Steinhütte (die) traditional !trE*dISEnl? I like staying in traditional cottages. traditionell type !taIp? It is the most traditional type of house there. Art (die), Typ (der), Sorte (die) fireplace !*faIEpleIs? Do you have a fireplace in your house? Kamin (der) centre !*sentE? The fireplace is in the centre of the house. Mitte (die) heating !*hi"tIN? It is the heating for all the rooms. Heizung (die) African !*xfrIkEn? This is a typical African house. afrikanisch hut !h0t? They live in small huts . Hütte (die) log house !*lOg haUs? The people here used to live in log houses . Blockhaus (das) igloo !*Iglu"? There is so much snow, let’s build an igloo ! Iglu (der, das) Japanese !dZxpE*ni"z? Japanese houses had doors made of paper. japanisch tent house !*tent haUs? Nomadic people live in tent houses . Wohnzelt (das) comfortable !*k0mftEbl? This couch is quite comfortable . gemütlich beautiful !*bju"tIfl? She lives in a beautiful little cottage. schön cheap !tSi"p? It’s cheaper to live in a small tent house. billig clean !kli"n? The room looks very clean . sauber wooden !*wudn? We have wooden floors in our living room. aus Holz I would … !wUd? I would like to live in a log house. Ich würde … Village life 6 monument !*mOnjUmEnt? There is a monument to Mozart in the park. Denkmal (das) pedestrian !pE*destrIEn? crossing Cars have to stop at pedestrian crossings . Fußgängerübergang (der) careful !*keafUl? Be careful when you cross the road. vorsichtig to do sth. okay I think I can do this okay ! etwas gut schaffen 152 Vocabulary one hundred and fifty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv