Prime Time 2, Coursebook

route !ru"t? You can take two different routes to the hospital. Route (die), Weg (der) beginning !bI*gInIN? Where are they at the beginning of the dialogue? Anfang (der) nearest !*nIErIst? Where is the nearest bank, please? nächstgelegene first !f3"st? First , go to the end of the street. hier: als Erstes, zuerst street !stri"t? Don’t cross the street . Straße (die) straight on !streIt *On? Go straight on past the bookshop. geradeaus to cross !krOs? sth. Be careful when you cross the river. etw. überqueren to walk/go along !E*lON? sth. Walk along that road for 300 metres. etw. entlang gehen/fahren metre !*mi"tE? The library is 400 metres down the road. Meter (der) on your left/right Take the first on your right . links/rechs von dir to end up !end *0p? somewhere If you follow that road, you’ll end up at the zoo. (schlussendlich) wo ankommen just !dZ0st? Then you just have to follow the road. einfach, nur to miss !mIs? sth. It’s just around the corner, you can’t miss it. etw. verpassen, etw. übersehen until !En*tIl? Walk straight on until you see the monument. bis crossroads !*krOsrEUdz? Drive on until you get to the crossroads . Kreuzung (die) to walk on !wC"k *On? Walk on to the traffic lights and turn right. weitergehen to pass !pa"s? sth. Go straight ahead until you have passed the library. an etw. vorbeigehen/vorbeifahren painted !*peIntId? The house is painted bright green. (an-) gemalt around the corner !*kC"nE? The supermarket is just around the corner . um die Ecke starting point !*sta"tIN pCInt? Their starting point is at the bakery. Ausgangspunkt (der) 3 roundabout !*raUndEbaUt? Go straight on at the roundabout . Kreisverkehr (der) in front of !In *fr0nt Ev? He is standing in front of the shop. vor opposite !*OpEsIt? The library is opposite the public pool. gegenüber How people live 4 to ask for directions !dI*rekSnz? He had to ask for directions . nach dem Weg fragen shopping centre !*SOpIN sentE? Don’t go into the shopping centre . Einkaufszentrum (das) park !pa"k? Don’t follow the dog into the park . Park (der) north !nC"T? The airport is north of the city. Norden (der) west !west? Go west until you see a church. Westen (der) east !i"st? The sun rises in the east . Osten (der) south !saUT? We’re going south for the winter holidays. Süden (der) to go straight ahead !streIt E*hed? Go straight ahead to the library. geradeaus gehen traffic light (s) !*trxfIk laIt? You have to stop at a red traffic light . Ampel (die) church !tS3"tS? Go past the church and you’ll see the market. Kirche (die) robot !*rEUbOt? She built a robot over the summer. Roboter (der) lonely !*lEUnli? I felt very lonely during the holidays. einsam bar !bA"? Many bars only open in the afternoon. Bar (die) 151 one hundred and fifty-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv