Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Spanish !*spxnIS? People from Argentina speak Spanish . Spanisch (das) French !*frenS? I’m learning French at school. Französisch (das) sign language !*saIn lxNgwIdZ? I want to learn sign language next year. Gebärdesprache (die) Portuguese !pC"tSu*gi"z? Portuguese is not as difficult as French. Portugiesisch (das) size !saIz? Our biggest class size is 29 students. Größe (die) 9 to figure !figE? out sth. Can you figure out this problem? etw begreifen, etw. herausfinden on your own !EUn? She can figure things out on her own . alleine, selbständig Show what you can do 10 to like sth. best Of all the subjects I like biology best . etw. am liebsten mögen at least !Et *li"st? Use at least four words from the box. mindestens, wenigstens My hometown 1 hometown !*hEUmtaUn? My hometown is by the sea. Heimatstadt (die) around the world Let’s look at different types of houses around the world . rund um die Welt, weltweit airport !*eEpC"t? The airport is outside the city. Flughafen (der) bicycle lane !*baIsIkl leIn? Many streets have bicycle lanes now. Fahrradweg (der), Fahrradspur (die) bus stop !*b0s stOp? There is a bus stop near the post office. Bushaltestelle (die) bus station !*b0s steISn? The airport bus leaves from the bus station . Busbahnhof (der) port !pC"t? He went to see the ships in the port . Hafen (der) ferry terminal !*feri t3"mInl? This train goes to the ferry terminal . Fährhafen (der) railway station !*reIlweI steISn? I have to be at the railway station at 9 o’clock. Bahnhof (der), Eisenbahn- station (die) road !rEUd? Be careful, there is a cat on the road . Straße (die), Fahrbahn (die) underground station !*0ndEgraUnd steISn? Could you tell me the way to the underground station ? U-Bahn-Station (die) tunnel !*t0nl? Drive through the tunnel and then turn left. Tunnel (der) Asking the way 2 to ask the way !a"sk DE *weI? We had to stop the car and ask the way . nach dem Weg fragen hospital !*hOspItl? It’s about ten minutes to the hospital . Krankenhaus (das) bank !bxnk? I need to get some money from the bank . Bank (die) bakery !*beIkEri? There is a nice bakery around the corner. Bäckerei (die) public !*p0blIk? I go to the public library every Saturday. öffentlich pool !pu"l? There is a public pool in our town. Schwimmbad (das), Schwimmbecken (das) doctor’s surgery !*dOktEz s3"dZEri? She was ill, so she went to the doctor’s surgery . Arztpraxis (die) post office !*pEUst OfIs? He went to the post office to post a letter. Postamt (das) about !E*baUt? It’s about a ten-minute walk. hier: circa, ungefähr to turn left/right You have to turn left at Main Street. links/rechts abbiegen to walk past !wC"k *pA"st? sth. Walk past the book shop. an etw. vorbeigehen to take the second (road) on the left/right Take the second road on the right. die zweite Straße links/rechts nehmen Unit 3 150 Vocabulary one hundred and fifty Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv