Prime Time 2, Coursebook

School subjects a) Look at the pictures and match them with the subjects. Write the matching letters. 1 6gj7cq B F J D C H G 3x4=12 L K A E I PE (physical education) J German geography textiles maths art English physics IT (information technology) chemistry biology history b) Match the school subjects with the definitions. Then listen and check. 1. In biology you learn, for example, about heat, light, sound and energy. 2. In IT you learn about events that happened in the past and politics. 3. In physics you work with laptops, the internet and different programs. 4. In PE you do experiments and work with different liquids. 5. In history you run and jump. You do sports, play ball games and are active. 6. In chemistry 1 you learn about plants and animals; for example, where they live. 1.3 k7698a 15 fifteen School life New things • Subjects and timetable • My school: what I (don’t) like about it • I wish I had … a dream school • Comparisons: as … as / not as … as Unit 2 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv