Prime Time 2, Coursebook

(not) as …as Biology is not as interesting as physics. (nicht) so … wie science lab !*saIEns lxb? On Wednesdays she has science lab . Wissenschaftslabor (das) after-school activity !A"ftE Sku"l xk*tIvEti? Drama club is an after-school activity . Nachmittagsaktivität (die) My dream school 5 dream school !dri"m sku:l? What is your dream school ? Traumschule (die) let !let? sb. do sth. Teachers should let kids play games in the break. jemdn. etw. tun lassen to serve !s3"v? We serve food and drinks here. servieren, anbieten to be/feel afraid !E*freId? No one should feel afraid . Angst haben, sich fürchten in class !klA:s? We are not allowed to play with our mobiles in class . im Unterricht …and stuff (coll.) !st0f? We should have more time for our friends and stuff . … und so chat !tSxt? There’s never enough time to have a chat . Unterhaltung (die), Plauderei (die) enough !I*n0f? We never have enough time for football. genug …a day !E *deI? I eat five portions of vegetables a day . … pro Tag keep sb./sth. away !ki"p E*weI? An apple a day keeps the doctor away . jmdn./etw. fernhalten 6 to text !tekst? sb. She’s texting her best friend about her first day at school. jmdm. eine Textnachricht/SMS schicken quite !kwaIt? Our classroom is quite big. ziemlich I wish … I wish I had a sofa in my classroom. Ich wünschte … room !ru"m? I have enough room for my books. hier: Platz (der) what else !wOt *els? What else happened today? was sonst, was noch You can’t be serious! !*sIErIEs? Das ist nicht dein Ernst! Never mind. !nevE *maInd? Never mind , you’re still my best friend. (Ist doch) egal. to express !Ik*spres? sth. How do you express a wish? etwas ausdrücken, äußern less !les? I wish I had less homework. weniger Schools around the world 7 to describe !dI*skraIb? sth. Use these words to describe the picture. etw. beschreiben colourful !*k0lEfUl? This is a very colourful picture. bunt creativity !*kri"eI*tIvEti? In art, you need a lot of creativity . Kreativität (die) drawing !*drC"IN? Today, we made drawings of the school. Zeichnung (die) freedom !*fri"dEm? I like it when we have a lot of freedom in class. Freiheit (die) group work !*gru"p w3"k? Our teacher often gives us group work . Gruppenarbeit (die) inside !in*saId? Most of the time we have to stay inside . innen, drinnen nature !*neItSE? We are great nature lovers. Natur (die) outside !aUt*saId? I don’t like going outside when it rains. außen, draußen 8 to get to school How do you get to school ? zur Schule gelangen by scooter !sku"tE? I usually go to school by scooter . mit dem (Tret) roller on foot !On *fUt? The school is so close that I can go home on foot . zu Fuß 149 one hundred and forty-nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv