Prime Time 2, Coursebook

better !*betE? I want to get better at coding. besser technology !tek*nOlEdZi? She went to the Museum of Technology . Technik (die), Technologie (die) 10 to give a presentation !prezn*teISn? I gave a short presentation on/about my holidays. ein Referat halten below !bIlEU? Answer the questions below . unten, unterhalb School life 1 (school) subject !*s0bdZEkt? What’s your favourite subject ? (Schul-)Fach (das) PE !pi"*i"? (physical education) We often play football in PE . Sport (-unterricht) (der) IT !aI*ti"? (information technology) In IT , we are creating the school website. IT (die), Informatik (die) art !a"t? We had to draw our best friend in art yesterday. Kunstunterricht (der) chemistry !*kemIstri? Chemistry can be a dangerous subject. Chemieunterricht (der) geography !dZi*OgrEfi? We tried to draw a map of the world in geography . Geografieunterricht (der) biology !baI*OlEdZi? Our biology class is going to the zoo next week. Biologieunterricht (der) textiles !*tekstaIlz? We’re learning how to make t-shirts in textiles . hier: Textiles Werken (das) physics !*fIzIks? Physics is my favourite science subject. Physikunterricht (der) liquid !*lIkwId? In chemistry you do experiments and work with liquids . Flüssigkeit (die) Going back to school 2 going back to school We’re going back to school in September. wieder in die Schule gehen most of the time I was home most of the time . meistens, die meiste Zeit of course !Ev *kC:s? Could you help me? – Of course. natürlich to hang out with sb. !hxN *aUt? – hung out I like hanging out with my friends from my class. mit jemandem Zeit verbringen I guess. !ges? wahrscheinlich stressed !strest? I’m sometimes stressed with all the work. gestresst 3 school year !*sku"l jIE? The new school year starts on the first of September. Schuljahr (das) difficult !*dIfIkElt? This year will be very difficult . schwierig science !*saIEns? She doesn’t want to learn about science . (Natur-)wissenschaft (die) noisy !*nCIzi? In her class it can sometimes be noisy . laut 4 timetable !*taImteIbl? My timetable for this school year is not as nice as last year. Stundenplan (der) break !*breIk? We have a 5-minute break between the first and the second lesson. Pause (die) drama club !*drA"mE kl0b? We’re doing a musical in drama club this year. Theatergruppe (die), Theaterclub (der) gardening !*gA"dnIN? I love gardening because you spend so much time outside. Gartenarbeit (die) cooking !*kUkIN? I’m not very good at cooking . Kochen (das) Unit 2 148 Vocabulary one hundred and forty-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv